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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8k6b7pw94f4on2/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E06.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




you just saved my night thank you so much sofie


Next episode Is one of the best

Sade L.

Y’all. The next episode...😩


It's really hard to know when exactly Klaus fell in love with Caroline. He made Tyler bite her and that night they had that heartfelt conversation and he gave her a bracelet. There are 2 options here. Either Klaus knew all about her and started getting involved with her before he ordered Tyler to bite Caroline, or he did after that night. The second option seems to me too fast and unrealistic. The first one is more violent, but in the spirit of Klaus.


I'm glad that this conversation between Elena and Stefan happened right now. Not when Stefan was the Ripper and Damon and Elena were close, but when Stefan is in a more stable state and Elena knows there might be a cure for her. This means that this conversation and Elena's choice took place consciously. At the end of season 3, regardless of who Elena would choose - it would be dictated by emotions, haste, panic and under the pressure of the situation. And I'm glad the writers didn't make Delena in season 3 just because Stefan went off the rails and Damon was there at the time.


Should I mention how much I like Bonnie and Damon in this episode and that Bonnie called Damon a friend? 🤣 I think it's obvious. It's confusing that Bonnie would trust Professor Shane so easily. He really seems creepy and suspicious. But I think Bonnie's trust is based on the fact that her grandmother knew this professor and worked with him. Although that doesn't fully explain her blind trust.


What stefan said to Elena really brougth back memories from season 2 when Elena and Stefan were faking a fight because of Katherine, then Stefan said: " If I say I can't do this anymore it means that I love u". And elena would say: "fine Stefan whatever " and it meant she loves him to. But now on this last scene Stefan said the same thing but elena only says " I know", I thought it was a contrast between then and now, Stefan still loves her but he knows it's over


When Elena chose Stefan, she was going through a similar situation she was going through when she met Stefan and the parallel feelings made Stefan the obvious choice. Plus she was in love with both of them. But after becoming a vampire, things changed drastically, she changed. In my opinion Elena becoming a vampire is an allegory for her to transition from teenager to adult, when life responsibilities change you, it smoothes your edges and you became less uncompromising. It is hard to let go to childhood and embrace adulthood, and that is what Elena is experiencing, she is leaving behind the little lost girl that lost her parents and the next chapter of her life is beginning. With that change the relationship she has with Stefan so linked to the past bring out everything that is no more in that relationship. Their incompatibility when it comes to vampirism is exposed, and the fact that she can rely on Damon but not on Stefan, makes everything more obvious, they understand each other deeply more than ever, she loves and appreciate his selfless love for her and I bet deep down subconsciously she wished Stefan didn’t let her die as Damon wouldn’t have, as Damon never does. She now understands the depth of his feelings for her. So now, her feelings for him are undeniably exposed and like never before. If her feelings for Damon are magnified because she is a vampire, why aren’t her feelings for Stefan too? Because her feelings for Damon, have nothing to do with her being a vampire. She is longing to be around him, she is happy around him, she trusts him implicitly, she can confide in him without judgement, she can just be herself around him, and that is what a real couple feels, you and your partner have each other back, no matter what.


OmG, I'm so excited for the next episode))


thank you sofie for pointing out every time elena and damon have a selfless moment and it shows emotions or touch, damon mentions stefan to help elena see stefans actions towards her and his actions trying to help her. No matter how much damon loves elena, he keeps trying to make sure elena knows not only his intentions for her and her life, that she also knows stefans intention. I just love that so much about damon. I just love that damon not only loves elena but loves his brother so much that he can't allow elena to see his brother differently or fear trusting him because damon knows all stefan wants to do is also give the life elena wanted and should've gotten and damon can't bear the thought of elena seeing his brother as someone untrusting or secretive cuz that's not who stefan is. He keeps letting her know that stefan just wants to help her and loves her as well. Im glad you saw the pattern


in my opinion, tyler is not good for caroline mentally/emotionally. I've seen a lot of red flags and the throwing glass right next to her is another flag for me.


i don't like tyler but they have sacrifice his friend so just throwing glass is not so much terrible :s


And Matt knows who to go to with important information. It is noteworthy that he did not go to Stefan, who would definitely listen to him, but to Damon. I wouldn't mind seeing Matt as Damon's drinking buddy. I'm glad that Alaric is not forgotten, it's obvious how bad Damon is without his friend.

Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

Omg, love this reaction! Whenever there’s a emotional scene, I never was affected but here I am with watery eyes! Just like when Alaric died🥲


Speaking of Ian's tattoo. Here he explains the meaning of it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pthqFH6PykQ

Andrea Dcosta

Patreon ate my comment so just gonna say in short some episode highlights for me: Bonnie calling Damon her friend. Damon’s confession to Elena love how selfless he really is and big is heart is though he doesn’t like to show it to others and how much he loves his brother even if it means what he tells Elena will make her love Stefan even more. The hallucinations were terrible and very sad but they were shot really well loved how Damon saved her. Caroline and Klaus 😻 Tyler feel really bad for him but your right Sofie does Tyler think klaus won’t find out? It’s a great thing Tyler is doing but it’s a huge risk and well he can literally be killed for it. Creepy prof Shane’s story sounds V interesting. Jeremy is a supernatural hunter as in a hunter made by witches now that’s interesting. Finally Stefan breaking up with Elena saying he actually can’t do this anymore which was longg overdue. Next episode is insane I’m super nervous and exited for it!!


That's not really true tho...he literally turned a 100 times just for her,his love for caroline is definitely real, and I mean if you think throwing a glass is a red flag...then damon killing jeremy in season 2 was also a red flag lol...but we still ship delena..there are ups and downs in a relationship, but tyler is perfect for caroline

Keith Engel

I still believe something happened between Hayley and Tyler.

Keith Engel

As far as the Hallucinations that Elena deals with, it's all about guilt and shame. This plays very well on Survivor's Guilt and various forms of C/PTSD a person may have gone through in life. Its a very great way of the Show to cover various mental health disorders that people deal with on day to day basis. It play on all the Trauma she has experienced in her life, some people, like myself, deal with on a daily basis.

Keith Engel

This episode show and further episode shows who Stefan really is, no matter how much he tried to take the "higher" moral high ground, as well as be the "bigger" man he wasn't vs. what we know how Damon has acted through all of this, through out 4 seasons. Also there was always this build up, showing Stefan's inner character, his jealousy that would eventually take place concerning this, it has always been foreshadowed that this is exactly how Stefan would react, going all the away back to season one when he first found out about Damon loving Elena and his talk with Damon. The one thing most don't recognize is that one, Damon realizing he was more confident than Stefan even during that time. Stefan shows how insecure he was with everything, and this just brings 4 seasons worth of those insecurities up to the fore. It seems many fans don't pick up on the hints through out the seasons. Also, never once did Damon show the type of disrespect that Stefan's show's to Elena, even while she was with Stefan. I mean Stefan downright just comes to disrespect her decision, while acting like he "respected her decisions" prior to all of this.

Loved By You

It reminds me of episode 2x06, when they are supposed to be fake fighting to keep from upsetting Katherine , and he says “if u say, I can’t do this anymore” it means I love you. Tbh, I think Stefan is just tired of being hurt, he’s tired of constantly having to overlook her feelings for Damon, he’s tired of feeling like he has to do right by her. None of that is Elenas fault but I’m happy Stefan is freeing himself from that.

Loved By You

I disagree. I think Stefan Is inherently good. I think like Damon he struggles with things. It’s NOT an easy thing to love someone and then see them in love with your BROTHER. That’s sort of a betrayal in a way. Stefan is saying he won’t get in the way of Damon and Elena and tbh he doesn’t. It’s mature to walk away from a situation that’s hurting you. You’re clearly not mature. Damon has been very disrespectful, he’s threatened her friends, family and has put bonnies life in danger multiple times. He has undermined her voice and her choices by thinking he knows best. I hate when people completely ignore Damon’s bad qualities in a twisted, pathetic attempt to bash Stefan. They both have done equally shitty things. Like please.