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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4uuyzjxptm0vrwo/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E01.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Fate and oxygen refers to the fact that after Alaric staked him and the stake began to flame, Alaric slammed the lid of the coffin closed which would in a short time put out the fire saving his body.


Season 4x2 is one of my favorite episodes can you do it in one reaction only one link not a part 1 and part 2


still love Klaus but heart broke for Rebekah she really mourned his death and he didnt care at all


Season 4 is so epic!! The Damon an Elena scenes are so fantastic. Stelena is sweet, but Delena is so enthralling. So now Elena is a vampire, everything is highten, everything is different. How Elena will cope? How is going to effect her reletionships, her life? Plus Pastor Young blow up the council people "we are the begining"....yeap the begining of season 4. So exited to share it with you Sofie.


When Alaric staked Klaus, his body started to burn, but then he closed the casket sealing it, so the lack of oxygen put the fire out preserving Klaus's body. Bonnie got all the grimoires the Martins collected, she surelly have been studied them, she has the powers of 100 witches the two things combined.... Elena was in the truck because Matt took the liberty of drugging Elena to take her out of town, Elena was in the car and on that bridge because of Matt, so indirectly Elena becoming a vampire is Matt responsibily too.


The scene between Caroline and Tyler/ Klaus kissing is one of the most hilarious scene of the show. 😂If you think about it Matt Davis and Micheal Trevino got to play Klaus and I loved it, they played him so well, both hugely entertainging.

Sade L.

Shit is about to get crazy I love season 4 😩😭


Tyler/Klaus as an innocent victim at the hands of Caroline is the funniest part of the whole episode. To be fair, Caroline really didn't let him say a word. And I'm glad that Klaus didn't take advantage of that and hide who he was. That would be too much even for Klaus.


Today, the scenes with Stelena reminded me of Season 1. I even missed it a little. But, for some reason, after the events of season 3, I can not look at the relationship of Elena and Stefan as before. And all this stuff about respecting her opinion became a kind of sick obsession for both Elena and Stefan. Stefan sacrifices everything, including Elena's life, to follow her choice. And Elena, it turns out, does not respect the opinion of either Stefan or Damon. Although she asks for it from them. She doesn't care what choice Stefan would have made, what he would have preferred. It turns out somehow one-sided. And this is no longer respecting someone's choice, but imposing one's own. Because it concerns not only Elena's life, but also those around her. Damon's words were true and accurate. And I don't understand why Elena is so surprised that he would have saved her instead of Matt. Who is Matt to him? Right, nothing. And Elena is his the girl he loves. The choice is obvious. And why doesn't she respect that choice?


I've come to terms with the fact that Stefan couldn't get the two of them out, and I see it as a scripted necessity. Because Damon in the 11th episode of season 1 said that he threw Elena's car to the side of the road. So the vampires have enough strength to move the car with their own hands. They could also easily lift the stone block that blocked the entrance to the tomb when Katherine was there. But Stefan didn't have the strength to even help Elena out of the car? So I just accepted it.


And the epic conclusion of this episode is that Elena completes the transition and becomes a vampire. And again, I don't understand Elena. She was so desperate not to be a vampire, she said she was ready to die in a car. But when the time came, she voluntarily chose to become a vampire, which required killing a human. So she'd sacrificed her life to save Matt's, but she'd easily accepted the fact that Stefan had to kill a stranger to her? And then Elena's mad at Damon for choosing her? Although, in fact, now she did the same thing. She put her life before the life of another person. Because this man was nothing to her, she didn't know him. Elena might not have known about Stefan and Rebekah's plan, but she could understand that there was no other way to get blood in this situation. And after that, she never once said that she was sorry that Stefan had to kill for her, never once reproached Stefan for it. In the end, she didn't let Stefan kill Matt for her, but she did let him kill another man she didn't know. I do not know if I have made my thoughts clear. I do not blame Elena for the fact that the desire to live has won. This is normal. All I wanted to say was that Elena wasn't the only one with a choice of her own. And if she asks others to respect and accept her choice, then she must learn to listen to other people's choices, and not judge them for it.


I'm really excited about the next episode. This is going to be one of the most epic episodes for me. I can't wait!


Stelena is sweet but, it doen't feel anymore like it use to be. In teory Stefan and Elena never voluntarely split up. So there is this between them this "past interrupted" that is the memory of what they had. But since then, so many things has happened and Stefan uncaring behaviour towards Elena in season 3 is difficult to forget and he hasn't being hold accountable for it, never apologised, plus he hasn't earned her forgiveness. Forgiveness was just handed to him, like nothing has happened. When Damon snaped Jeremy's neck it took Elena the entire season to forgive him....It took them lots of road to get to the point Delena is now, lots of trust, lots of care, lots of getting close, lots of love. Their love is earned. That is why, to me Stelena is very forced and doesn't feel the right choice. As I said, Elena loves them both, but Stefan is the safe choice, the choice she took in a moment that emotionally took her back to the time when she lost her parents and Stefan was there for her, a choice related to the past. And now she is finding out crutial things about Damon and the true extent of his love for her and his brother.

Therese Larsen

Her sacrificing herself because she wants to keep the people she loves safe, sounds kind of selfless at first. But then when you think about it a little more it’s kind of selfish. It’s really about HER not wanting to go through more greaf, but she doesn’t think about the greaf that the people she left behind would go through. Two times noe she has sacrificed herself. Caroline and Bonnie would lose their best friend, Stefan and Damon would lose the girl they both love. Jenna (in the first sacrifice, if everything had gone as Elena planned) would miss her niece. Matt already feels guilty that Elena is a vampire because of him, imagine if she actually staid dead.. Most important of all - Jeremy would lose his sister, and he has gone through just as much greaf as Elena has.. If not more, in a younger age. He also lost his parents in the car accident, his uncle, his aunt, Vicky, Anna, now Alaric. If he had lost Elena as well he would have no one, and he’s not even 18 yet. No one to take care of him. Did she even stop to consider that? Seems more like she was saving herself from having to greaf once again, both times. I’m sure she means well but still..

Idun V

Delena is just 😍 The scene with Caroline and Klaus was funny, but it's sort of ruined for me by that fact that it was technically sexual assault 😬 Caroline didn't consent to get physical with Klaus and Tyler didn't consent to have his body used in that way. At least it didn't go any further, that would have been beyond wrong.

Idun V

Same here, even if Stefan couldn't have pulled them both out he could 100% have ripped off her seatbelt so Elena could have swum out on her own. At the end of the day, they just needed a way for Elena to become a vampire. Although couldn't they have had Stefan rip her seatbelt not knowing that she wasn't gonna be strong enough to swim out or something?

Idun V

I can't really blame Matt, if we go down that road of thinking there's a lot of people we can blame, Elena for deciding to turn back toward mystic falls, Jeremy for helping Matt, Klaus for putting them in that situation to start with and so on. In the end I only truly blame Rebekah, she's the one who chose to get Elena killed and stood in the road for that sole purpose.


So there was no physical intimacy in the end. Klaus didn't pretend that he was Tyler and revealed his identity in time. Which I'm glad of. I don't think he was going to sleep with Caroline, he was sure she would understand who he was. It was just that she had attacked him so passionately and so fervently, genuinely glad that Tyler was alive. But, fortunately, she realized who was who in time.

Idun V

Rebekah deserves SO much better


I'm so excited for next episode🤫


Elena broke out of the cell because she wasn't vervained like Rebecca and Stefan were. When she turned she would have been strong enough to break out.


I happen to love how selfless Damon was at the end there because even though it may seem that him choosing Elena over everyone is a selfish love, he admits here that he also wanted Elena to grow old and have a life with kids, etc. A human life. Which means that he was willing to let her go when the time was right for her to have the life that she wanted.


The music in TVD is always so amazing. Hell half the time I feel like the songs are written for the show. When Elena and Stefan are sitting on the roof... she is going back to her default (Stefan) as she waits for morning to come. The song is called "Wait for the Morning" Lyrics below: Don't go back on your default baby I know it's hurts I can see how hard your trying Don't let go now Wait for the morning Wait for the morning dawn Write me a letter pen and paper I'll hear you out Whisper quiet tell me try me I'm with you love Wait for the morning Wait for the morning dawn Wait for the morning Wait for the morning dawn We'll navigate these fragile days (Stefan tells her he's here for her) And find the right road (Elena's optimism) I'll hold you tightly till the night lightens (as he holds her and the sun comes up) And find our way home Wait for the morning Wait for the morning Wait for the morning Wait for the morning dawn Don't go back on your default baby I know it's hurts


"ill be with you forever....if i want" IF I WANT LMFAO that part just cracks me up everytime i cant

Andrea Dcosta

Sucha great season opener for sure I liked this season premier much better then S3 premier. I feel terrible for Bonnie she deserves the best but always ends up getting hurt for helping her friends it’s just not fair :((( I agree with u on klaus here he treated Rebekah so badly hated him in this episode though I love him 🤭 I can’t stand anyone being mean to Rebekah. Delena scenes this episode were so good what he told her was so heart touching. But I must say being a huge Delena fan I loved Stefan and Elena’s moment in the jail it was very emotional and I felt so good specially seeing Stefan so happy that Elena choose him and was coming to him and then watching Rebekah listening to them such an incredible scene loved it. Elena is finally a vampire Nina once again acted brilliantly when she put the drop of blood to her lips the tear falling was so nicely done. If u think Damon’s Big bad vampire line was funny wait for the next one he’s just superr hilarious. Episode 2 is one of my favourites you’re gonna love it. I’m so freaking excited for thisss....


And I'm also amused by the part where Elena talks about why she ended up on the bridge. If you shorten her monologue, it turns out that she died because she was on her way to see Stefan. I understand that Elena did not put this meaning in her words. But it's still a bit of fun for me every time.


Just to comment a bit about Selena and the relationship interrupted thing... one of my favorite small moments of clarity and wisdom was surprisingly from Elena in 3x7 when she told StefN she wouldn’t love a ghost for the rest of her life. Ithink they couldn’t leave things with Stelena as a ghost like situation where in death someone is ripped away from you without being able to resolve your issues or come to terms with things. Now Stefan didn’t die but he was just gone first to help his brother and then in the sense of him being the ripper with no humanity I I never wanted Elena to leave him because he was bad for lack of better term I never wanted Damon to win by default. I honestly liked that she chose Stefan on the bridge even though that was the same moment I personally accepted the fact that I was Delena shipper.


Oh and Please forgive my typos and auto corrected stupidity. Like the fact that my previous post say Selena instead of Stelena. Lol I know some of you expect a degree of eloquence in my comments but My MacBook Air died and I am typing on the touchscreen keyboard on my iPad mini, and it’s driving me mad.

Loved By You

Stefan is soooo hot in season 4 my goodness!!!!

Mara Smith

The tears add so much to this transition. It gives me chills 🥺

Loved By You

It’s so frustrating when Damon does selfish things he is supported and justified by fans but when Stefan, who is mostly selfless, does anything selfish he’s villianized, bullied, and no one see,s yo see why he did it. He saved MATT because , like Damon he loves Elena.

Josh Lomax

The thing is, Damon rarely does selfish things, the only one I can think of, without going past 5x1 (to avoid spoilers), is feeding Elena his blood so he wouldn't lose her in Season 2. Meanwhile, almost everything Stefan does is in some way selfish. Even seemingly selfless acts, like giving himself to Klaus to save Damon, or trying to find the cure for Elena, are selfish at their core. He saved Damon, not only because he wanted to save his brother, but to make himself feel better about his guilt for making Damon feed (by his own admission) and he wanted to cure for Elena because he couldn't love her as a Vampire, later blaming her vampirism for why she loved Damon, and eventually wanting it for himself