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The true love story of TVD ♡ Defan ♡

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h555jzx1wyz6khv/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E16.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




It makes me very happy that you noticed that Stefan and Damon are closer NOW than they ever have been since being turned into vampires. I really don't agree when so many fans and characters act like Elena is breaking the Salvatores apart. It's such BS. They were NOT close before, they reunited because of Elena. Elena's capacity for forgiveness and compassion for Damon is what made Stefan believe there was still good in Damon and Elena's qualities also showed Damon how to forgive Stefan for turning him. I know it's messed up being in love with your brother's gf but the fact is that at the beginning of the show Damon didn't give a shit about anything really. He was on humanity dimmer switch and his feelings for Elena is what slowly brought him out of that state. Another pet peeve I have with some of the fandom is that they say Damon ONLY cares about Elena and he's not a good person until he cares about someone else blah blah... He had to start somewhere!!! Rome wasn't built in a day. His and Stefan's relationship had devolved for over a hundred years. It's not going to be fixed overnight. Anyways the point is that this wouldn't have happened at this time if not for Elena. *Sorry if my thoughts were a bit jumbled I'm typing on my phone and can only see like one sentence at a time


Sofie when the sheriff is talking about Alaric calling Meredith and talking for an hour is what Alaric told Elena a couple episodes ago. He said he "whiskey dialed her at 2 in the am" Elena asked him if Meredith was cool with it and Alaric said "I'll let you know when I remember". Lol Meredith didn't make him forget, that was the whiskey.


To summarize: No, that's not the first time Stefan was like that He was originally was a humanityless (and this distinction is important) ripper in 1864. He was murdering people left and right because he had no emotions and an insatiable thirst. He didn't however rip them to pieces and then try to put them back together. He met Lexi shortly afterward and Damon left Stefan in Lexi's care. It took her years to get Stefan on a different path. Fast Forward to 1912 Damon is the utilitarian no fun feeding sexless stick in the mud and has been since he left his brother back in 1864. They haven't seen each other in 50 years. At this time Stefan is on Bambi blood and has his humanity back on. Sage has begun to get Damon to indulge in being a vampire and he realizes it could be 'fun'. He wants to take Stefan to feed and this is the FIRST time Damon has ever seen Stefan like that. Emotions on, ripper Stefan is frightening thing. He sort of blacks out feeding and rips bodies apart like how he just chewed off that chicks head in front of Stefan. Damon had NO idea that would happen. Damon let him walk away though and the next time he heard about Stefan they were calling him the Ripper of Monterey. Lol it is eerie at times how Sofie even uses the words that are about to come out of characters mouths. I'm watching the whole Stefan/Damon scene by the fire and I'm like stop pausing LOL he'll tell you the difference if you press play.


Yeah, he was in 1846 with no humanity killing people left in right in such a messy way. We saw a glimpse of that ( i think he was like how any vampire with no emotions will be, maybe a little more extreme) but he wasn’t ripping them apart like a ripper would. I feel like he earned this name after what happened in 1912. Even stefan didn’t know that he could go that far with humanity on .

Futuristic Girl

It was so funny when Damon talked about the Salvatores being "A-list founders".


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Futuristic Girl

Meredith being the killer would be too easy. That was a red herring.


The fact that Damon is trying to teach Stefan to eat and control himself is quite right. Maybe it was worth starting gradually, with bags of blood, for example. But in general, the direction is correct. I have always disagreed with his animal diet and the fact that he is trying to impose it on others. This can be compared to a situation where a person decides to go on a diet and give up junk food. Yes, he can throw out all the junk food and not go to cafes and restaurants. And he might be able to stay that way for quite a while. But, sooner or later, he will get into a situation where he will see this food that is beyond his reach. For example, he will be invited to visit for a holiday or something like that. And he will smell this food, see what it looks like and, sooner or later, taste it. It's only a matter of time. And then he is unlikely to stop at one candy, sandwich, cake, etc. This requires a lot of willpower and motivation. At the same time, it is much easier to gradually limit the consumption of junk food, leaving part of it in the diet, so that there is no desire to break down. It's the same with Stefan. His diet is good if he don't live a full social life. We can see how difficult it is for him to restrain himself in a room full of people. As long as he lives among people, there is a very large chance that he will have to break down again (of his own free will or forced by circumstances). And we see how difficult it is for Stefan to get out of this state and what consequences it leads to. So, its just necessary to learn to control yourself. And I think Stefan and Damon should just do it together, without involving Elena. Let's be honest, in real life, I would also not approve of this method of training. But Stefan needs it now, and Elena's condemnation will only get in the way. Guys, it's still difficult for me to formulate my thoughts in English. Forgive me if I write with spelling mistakes. I hope I was able to convey my thoughts to you.


And I also noticed Damon playing the piano for the first time in this episode. What? What's wrong with me? Sometimes I miss certain moments, even though I've seen these scenes thousands of times.


Despite the fact that many people dislike Matt, I like this character. Perhaps his story is not very interesting and exciting. But his's like a symbol of the human in this show. His life is also difficult, he is also left completely alone. But he finds the strength to move on, to live a normal human life. He notices a lot of things and supports Elena. And, as with Bonnie, I'm sorry that his friends often forget about him.


"Dear Diary, a chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie, will haunt me, forever." Damon has an undeniably great sense of humor. But this joke is one of his best for me. I don't know why, but I laugh every time I hear it. It was good-natured and witty.


Sofie, you're charming and observant. I love it when you say the words that the characters confirm in the future. It means you have a very good understanding of the characters and the show as a whole. I'm very excited about the next episodes. The stories with the ring, Alaric and Sage are very exciting and unexpected.

Sade L.

Such a good twist but poor Ric 😩

Kristen Maddox

Love you're reactions, wish you posted tvd more often though.


Damon's reaction when Stefan tries to screw that head back on that poor woman. It's so funny how even the most ruthless characters in the show go "wtf" whenever Stefan goes crazy.


I don't think that Damon is the most ruthless character in the show....Klaus, Kol, Elijah,Ester, Michael, Katherine, Isobel, Logan Fell, or Stefan in the Ripper mode...Damon in comparison is a poppy dog.


Sofie I'm so much with you, Defan is what stole my heart in the show, I love these two and their brotherly love when they show it to each other, like nothing else. It is the most beautiful and poetic thing in the show. Defan is life!!!


I don't think anyone on here minds you pausing and rewinding....I could be wrong but........


Unfortunately, there was one comment where one of the viewers expressed dissatisfaction with Sofie rewinding the scenes. Most of us like it. But apparently, Sofie thought about it and stopped to rewind the scene. And that's a pity... Here's the impact it can have one inadvertently left a comment. And the rest of us couldn't convince Sofie that it's okay to review some things and that many people like it.


Its one of the things i love about her reactions too

Andrea Dcosta

Defan 😍Yess I was waiting Sofie for u to reach this scene at the end there. The care and love in Damon’s eyes for Stefan was beautiful. The twist with Alaric’s ring is so good but poor Alaric:(( I love how convinced you were that Alaric was innocent and he somewhat is but you know we all love him so much so just can’t think of him doing anything bad. I love how much you understand the characters and you literally know what they are gonna say it’s insane. It’s for scenes and moments like these that I lovee season 3 soo much!!


I was thinking about it and I think Elijah is the most ruthless killer on the show. Or maybe it's just the contrast in him He can be caring and compassionate but if he decides you need to die, he'll just uncerimoniously bitch slap your head off or rip your heart from your chest.


True, Elijah can be a savage when he feels he needs to be. But as far as a character that is ruthless, manipulative, strategic, intelligent, & extremely violent, for me, it's Klaus. I've seen Klaus do what Elijah does among other insane styles of killing. & he always has a strategic plan behind what he's doing.


True Klaus can be viciously vendictive, but Elijah if he decide to kill you will do it with no feelings in the coldest way, with no effort.

Idun V

Defan is the true heart of TVD, it's all about the Salvatore brothers 💕 Stefan had Lexi to teach him and Damon had Sage. I wonder what Damon would have been like without Sage, when he first met her he had spent 50 years completely celibate and only drinking blood when necessary. Btw, I LOVE it when you rewind things, in my opinion, It honestly makes your reactions even better. I love that it lets you take in scenes better and it makes sure you don't miss anything.

Keith Engel

It's always amusing watching reactors convinced that Dr. Fell is the guilty one.