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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fxyhh49f7u6n9g/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E12.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Fatima Bah

Lmao it's funny to see how what most fans do is always compare Stefan and Demon, they have to be biased always. But you can love them both and stop being biased just cause you prefer one, they both have their good and bad moments in the show.

Fatima Bah

That's why I love Sofie's reactions, she loves both brothers but still doesn't close her eyes on any bad things that they do like other fans do most of the time.


fun fact: the actor Joseph Morgan who plays klaus is married to the actress who played bonnie's mom

Sade L.

You probably missed it, because they only talked about it very briefly, but there were 7 originals. Henrik is the one who died by werewolves, there was a kid before him that died from the plague before they discovered the new world. That leaves Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and 2 others 😊


Not TVD related but....just wanted to tell you I watched your Pentatonix (Hallelujah and Bohemian Rhapsody) reactions today....they are fantastic aren't they.....you might want to check out Home Free...they will also blow you away.


Poor Bonnie, her mom is not exacly great parental material and it must have hurt a lot knowing that she was willing to raise and care for someone else kid but not for her. She didn't deserve that. I adore Bonnie character.


I don’t like the fact that Stefan goes soft only when Elena said he kissed Damon (and by the way she said “I kissed Damon”). He wasn’t at all concern about Jereny been almost killed, nor he thought twice about using Elena’s trauma to get what he wanted. So why now. Because all of the sudden he realize that Damon is very much in the picture for real, and when he comes to Elena he is territorial, the narrative that he is respecting her wishes at all costs, crumble too, “I kissed Damon” her choice, but he goes home and punch Damon on the face like he should have, at this point some claim that override her wishes of kissing Damon, like she is his property. At list he sort of apologised, I haven’t heard the word sorry, but apologies aren’t the two brother’s strong suit. Still, he apologised only after Elena told him they kissed, so even there the apology sounds tainted with self interest, because two minutes before when Elena told him “what are you going to do kidnap me?” and after what he did his answer is “Don’t temp me” don’t tempt me???? But then he goes soft to “I kissed Damon”. Really? What has he lost since he was forced to go with Klaus? Not Elena, certainly not Damon they have been looking for him all summer and they've never really giving up on him. If he wanted he could have Elena back anytime. He didn’t lose his friends, not Caroline, Bonnie, is working with him nobody blame him for what happen, nobody think less of him knowing he is a ripper. So what has he lost? He crushed down the pedestal he put himself on in the first season with the “I’m a good brother” narrative, and exposed for the bunch of lies he told “When have I ever wanted to hurt someone?” etc. So he is not concern with Elena’s well being, he doesn’t have his humanity off, he is on a dimmer switch; he can choose what to feel. He is the only thing that is his concern. I loved Stefan season 2 but Stefan season 1 and 3 is a shady jerk and there isn’t any good enough excuse that can sugar coating that. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like Stefan character, I like very flawed characters, but I see him for what he is, objectively and he is so not nice or good, not because he is a ripper, but because he is very haughty and act accordingly.

Andrea Dcosta

I liked how Damon didn’t react or get angry when Stefan hit him and just took it cz he probably wanted Stefan to take out his anger that was sweet of Damon. The reason abby gives Bonnie doesn’t make sense to me bottom line is she did abandon her own daughter why does stuff like does happen to Bonnie? I love her soo much she doesn’t deserve this :( Damon looking out for Ric is soo cute love Delaric so freaking much. Next episode is a interesting one 🙂


Two really good things happen in this episode...Dalaric 💕 and Elijah is baaaaack!🙌🍾🥂


I'm feel so bad for Bonnie. We used to feel sorry for Elena, that she lost so many relatives, that we do not notice that Bonnie was also almost alone. Her grandmother is dead, her mother has left her, and her father obviously doesn't give her any time. And she doesn't even have anyone to talk to about it. You need to be a very strong person to deal with it alone. She has friends, of course, but to be honest, everyone is focused on Elena's problems and rarely pays attention to Bonnie's problems. She really is a Queen. By the way, I like the way she reacted when Damon kissed Elena. She didn't even judge her, even though Bonnie hates Damon. All she asked was "Was it good?". Without a trace of judgment on her face. She's a very good friend.


It turns out that to get into the house at the site of the burning of witches, it was only necessary to threaten them more strongly. Even dead witches can be intimidated by Klaus. Damon hadn't thought of that. This time, Klaus didn't manage to stay one step ahead. In the end, the most important coffin for him is hidden by Damon, and Elijah is alive again. Klaus should have checked the coffins. I didn't expect him to be so careless. Did he think Damon would give him the coffins for nothing? Or did he think that the hidden coffin was the only setup? Anyway, I'm glad to see Elijah. He brings a special flavor to this show. Sofie, thank you for your reaction. I'm looking forward to the next episode!

Idun V

That's the same reaction I have every time Elijah shows up 💕

Futuristic Girl

I don't like how Stefan got mad at Damon and punched him. Like he and Elena aren't together anymore. He knew Damon had feelings for Elena and he keeps pushing her away. What did he expect to happen?

Keith Engel

This matter, also shows you who the more mature brother is, as well as the one who is more selfish vs selfless. One can handle himself, Damon, when he can't have her, while the other, when even the slightest hint takes place that he is losing her or lost her, can't handle it. All this started in Season 1 actually, with the talk after Isobel revealed that Damon loved her. You can see how it built up, all the way to season 4. This also plays into Sefan's Holier than Thou attitude he gets, or had when he is off of human blood, or his all or nothing attitude that comes from his lifestyle choice, or unwillingness to accept being a vampire.

Keith Engel

He was forced to do certain things yes, but he had his freedom and choice when it came to Elena and the Wickory Bridge, as Elena even brings up. Damon did a bad thing with killing Jeremy that did cause emotional pain and was an impulsive action. Yet this was done intentionally, thought was put into this, he planned this, did it purposefully, and wasn't concerned about what this would actually do to Elena, he didn't care. He forced her to relive her trauma, deep emotional wounds that she said "his love" helped her overcome, and she has been trying to heal from since we first got introduced to Elena. As far as I'm concern this is worse than anything Damon did.

Keith Engel

Exactly, all of sudden it comes back to beating his brother, the fact that he punched Damon for things that were actually his fault reeks of immaturity, also basically he lost her respect, something that was brought up in the previous season. So now he is attempting to regain "her respect" by putting on his good guy act again. The duplicity that is Stefan once you see it, and how he only starts to act good when he is about to lose something. His apology to Elena is just like his apology to Damon after the betrayal of the grimoire and Anna took Elena, it was only done because he now wanted something from the other person.


How can you say that? It’s complete BS, Stefan accepted Damon’s crush on Elena and even though when he found out Damon kissed Katherine thinking it was elena he never acted upon doing anything against Damon, I won’t deny Stefan is pushing elena away but that shouldn’t be an open call for Damon, stefans brother, the guy Stefan risked everything for including his love and happiness with Elena, to make a move on the girl he loves, we can’t control who we love nor can a vampire as their emotions are heightened, but we can choose to not act upon them, and that’s something Damon completely ignores throughout this whole time Stefan is gone, Damon os the one that can’t handle not having her, he’s the one that went on a kill spree when elena told him she couldn’t believe he thought she would kiss him back, and also the incident in season 3 episode 12, as for Stefan, he’s a ripper, rippers can’t control there urge for blood Stefan was fine until Damon showed uo tempting him to drink constantly and until klaus forcefully pushed him to drink, accepting to be a vampire is accepting your ok killin gong, loving the feeling of killing and cherishing the kill, because of stefans heart he can’t do that unless his humanity is off, Stefan wasn’t supposed to become a vampire by nature as Emily mentioned very early on why