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What an amazing episode!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9g6nrheopeh5g2x/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E03.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Heather Hollenbeck

Stefan's ripper persona is definitely completely different than he is usually. Stefan's core personality traits are his empathy and his guilt. When he flips the switch on his humanity, he no longer feels those emotions at all. Therefore, we get someone who behaves like almost a completely different person. Ripper Stefan is very free in a way Stefan with his humanity rarely ever is, because Ripper Stefan isn't weighed down by all the guilt of his previous actions.

Heather Hollenbeck

As for the whole Stefan and turning his emotions off thing — just because Stefan is feeding on human blood, that doesn't automatically mean he's flipped his switch. Right now, for example, Stefan is feeding on humans but he still clearly has his humanity. He isn’t acting like the Stefan in the flashbacks, he clearly still cares about people. That's why he puts the bodies back together like that—since he hasn't flipped his switch, he feels the guilt as soon as he regains control of himself and realizes what he's done. Stefan who has flipped his switch, like in the flashbacks, would kill someone easily and not bother with that, since he would feel no guilt.


Yep it's a good episode and very packed. Funnier moment is probably Klaus and Rebecca being surprised by how nuts rippah stefan is, he's even crazier than the originals at his worst. Poor old Liam Grant didn't do anything wrong. Also, the 'gay dad vampire conversion therapy' thing might potentially be the worst storyline the show has done.


This episode is just too good...as much as I loved stefann before..his character wasn't really interesting,but this ripper backstory is just brilliant..and finally you met Rebekah!! She is barbie 2.0 after Caroline 🥺


Yes Stefan blacks out while he is feeding. The ripper thing is something that is in his nature, that is specific to him and some other vampire, he is not the only one, but is not common. Still, for a ripper vampire it is not healthy to get off blood entirely because you are surrounded by humans, by food. So Lexi draconian methods, did nothing for Stefan to learn to accept his nature, embrace it and learn to control it, suppression is not the answer, because it will resurface before or after, and he will always be again and again in the same situation.


The question I asked to myself in this episode. Stefan was "a cocky ripper douche" as Damon called him. By make him forget, has he changed his personality? Will he go back to be what he was now that he remembers who he was?


And yes Damon dressed Elena up to meet Stefan...how sweet and thoughtful is that? Damon loves Elena very much, but the love he has for Stefan doesn't compare, it is so much stronger. He was even willing to give himself to Klaus, in order to free Stefan.


exactly !!! so many fans especially a few stelena fans forget this. The brother bond and love they have for each other is so much stronger than delena and stelena love


this season is amazing. The vampire diaries writers and production really know how to do flashback scenes so well its amazing, i cant see any other show top it besides the originals and the fact we have the originals, katherine etc all in one season

Futuristic Girl

Like Emily said, his heart is pure even in death. He feels things so much and as a vampire, that's not natural. I feel like he has an addictive personality.

Futuristic Girl

The flashback scenes are amazing!! Katherine's hair in the flashback was soo cute. 1920s version of Stefan was wylin. I loved his hair. He was so different. I loved it.

Futuristic Girl

It's funny to me how Katherine is keeping tabs on both of the Salvatores.

Futuristic Girl

Paul Wesley plays this version of Stefan soooo well!!!

Futuristic Girl

Elena thinks she knows Stefan so well. The only person who can say that is Damon. They've been together ever since they were little. Like this dude has been alive for over a century. She doesn't know the half of how he really is when he's in a dark place. She met the Stefan that tried to keep everything under control.

Futuristic Girl

The next couple of episodes in particular are fire. We're only at the surface when it comes to Stefan's role this season.


Not only, after feeding he keeps a list of names like serial killers do. Bad Stefan is as scary and as dangerous as it can get. And Paul does scary/fascinating like no others. 🙌

Futuristic Girl

I think the past few episodes show why it's not accurate to do the good brother and bad brother thing. We were introduced to Stefan when he was on good behavior and Damon when he was looking to start trouble. Saying Damon is the bad brother and Stefan is the good brother isn't an accurate depiction of who they are. They both have their issues. They're individuals.


Great episode. The story of Stefan, Klaus, and Rebecca surprised and amazed me. Interesting and stylish flashbacks. Yes, Stefan in his dark time is very different from what we've seen before. Not only does he not control himself, he also enjoys tormenting people. Even Klaus was a fan! The scene in Elena's room was very reminiscent of season 1. Damon apparently likes to dig through underwear. 😆 And their trip to Chicago resembles their trip to Georgia in season 1: the bar, the witch, Damon was almost killed by a vampire again and the result of the trip was unsuccessful. Nostalgia. And finally we saw Liz's "gay husband" and Caroline's father. Poor Caroline. What did Bill want to do? He didn't want to kill her, but he was going to wean her off the blood. But if she doesn't drink blood, she will die (very weak, like vampires in a tomb). Then what's the point? It was more humane to kill her. I don't want Caroline to die, of course, but it hurt to watch her suffer, too. Sofie, it was good to see you! I'm really looking forward to the next episode.

Chantelle Miles

To be fair Klaus daggered Rebecca because she chose Stefan yes but also and most importantly to protect her, because they're clearly on the run from someone, Klaus said to her just before "Hurry up, let's go, do you want to die, we have to disappear". So Klaus was protecting her that's also why he compelled Stefan to forget, and hes right about Stefan too, since hes a ripper, if they took him along or she went with him, he would draw too much attention with all his Ripper ways. I laughed at Klaus too while he was hurting Damon, and Damon is my everything ❤. Maybe u were laughing because you're starting to get to know Klaus now, as well as seeing more sides to him. So far you've only seen him as the Villian, scary bad guy. Damon was introduced in the same way pretty much, then we started to see theres more that meets the eye. U have noticed stuff already, like ur wondering why hes wants Hybrids so bad and u noticed how sad and crushed he looked when all his Hybrids failed. Cant wait for you to see more of the real Klaus deep inside and his motives. Yes Damon may be more fun as a sidekick but as weve seen, Klaus wants Stefan because not only is he fun but Klaus genuinely sees him as a friend, maybe even a brother so he definitely wont want Damon around as competition for him. You cant really say what Klaus did with the sacrifice is worse now if he was friends with Stefan because it was a curse put on him, the only way he could finally break it after trying for a 1000 years. Most importantly you still dont know Klaus' motives for certain stuff or heard his side of the story yet. No he brought Stefan because hes his friend, remember he wasnt planning on waking Rebecca yet, he only did because the witch said she needed Rebecca to contact the original witch.

Chantelle Miles

Sorry but Lexi is kinda to blame for Stefan never learning control, he is different on human blood regardless yes and he doesn't need a lot to became a Ripper, just a taste of human blood is enough for him, as weve seen in s1. Stefan has never learned control though because hes always been put on one extreme or another. Stefan is either in full on Ripper mode or total vegetarian lol only animal blood mode. Hes been a vampire for over 145 years and only recently started to try learning control, having a bits of human blood every day, thanks to Damon constantly bringing up how he needs to learn how to control the blood lust instead of letting it control him this whole time. Lexi never tried that with Stefan which I find odd, if she tried and it didnt work at all I'd get it but she never tried it because Stefan tried to learn it himself for the first time in the present not in any flashbacks.


I agree on Lexi, she meant well, but Stefan allwaays relied on others to overcome his problems,an now that he is on is own he is forced to confront his problem. Heoesn't have Lexi but he has something better the love of is brother.

Keith Engel

Damon and Elena Road Trip #3 vs Stefan and Elena Roadtrip 0.

Keith Engel

Amazing track selection for when Elena wakes up and Damon is there. [Verse 1] The sun is filling up the room and I can hear you dreaming Do you feel the way I do, right now? I wish we would just give up 'Cause the best part is falling, call it anything but love [Chorus] And I will make sure to keep my distance Say "I love you" when you're not listening And how long can we keep this up, up, up? [Verse 2] Please don't stand so close to me, I'm having trouble breathing I'm afraid of what you'll see, right now I'll give you everything I am All my broken heartbeats until I know you'll understand [Chorus] And I will make sure to keep my distance Say "I love you" when you're not listening And how long can we keep this up, up, up? [Bridge] And I keep waiting For you to take me You keep waiting To save what we have [Chorus] So I'll make sure to keep my distance Say "I love you" when you're not listening And how long can we keep this up, up, up? [Outro] Make sure to keep my distance Say "I love you" when you're not listening How long 'til we call this love, love, love?

Keith Engel

Klaus: And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you...She can't help it, it's just who she is. Don't let your heart do anything stupid. Wow, just noticed this instance of foreshadowing....

Keith Engel

I mark this episode as the True Ending of Stelena, but both were living in denial moving forward, trying to hang onto something that was truly over, not matter the feeligns. He did break up with her as well, and thus I mark this as the starting point of Damon and Elena "dating" as it were, while not coming to admit fully due to Stefan at the same time.

Josh Lomax

Completely agree. You can tell in every scene they have after this, its just not the same