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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsdoc88fxoa272s/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE22%20encode.mp4?dl=0



Fatima Bah

I love Damon so much but I am soo over him doing stupid things every time he’s angry just to come back and apologize later.


Klaus can heal Wolf bites because he is the First Hybrid ever.


All the reasons why klaus is interested in stefan you'll find out in S3

Jasmine Reigns

Awhhh good old season 3 , it’s really a gem 😌


I like the point you made about the shipping, it's really overrated and while the relationship between Elena and the brothers probably drove a lot of the fandom, it's honestly a much better show when it's about the relationship of the brothers and family.


This episode could be called “consequences”. For Liz and Caroline, for Alaric, for Jeremy, for Elena and Damon, but most of all for Stefan. Stefan character is getting layers!!! Now you’ll met bad Stefan the ne you saw in the last scene with him and Klaus and bad Stefan is famous, he is a ripper or how Klaus call him a “rippahh”. 😁 When they told Paul he was going to be bad he was really happy, he so freaking good at been bad, his stone cold face is magnificently scary, it’s a Paul thing. Damon and Stefan. They might fight, even really hard, they can make treats to each other, like siblings in real life do, but at the end of the day they love each other above everything and everybody. That is the core of this show, the brothers love each other, deeply, desperately, and they are mutually dependent from each other, Stefan specially. Consequences.... Katherine saved Damon and openly declared she loved them both. Damon is not stupid, she lead to believe him, back in the old days that they had something special, secrets. I do believe that when she told him “I’ve never loved you” it was because he was an inconvenience to her plans, but the truth is she loved them both and now that she has no plan but to escape Klaus, she can admit it. Damon and Elena. That bed little tender kiss, is so sweet and beautiful, he told her he loves her and now she knows for sure. Consequences..... Sofie dear, it is ok to cry as it is ok to laugh, and everything in between, we all did and still do. Your reaction and review are so brilliant and so sweet. Sharing all those emotions with you is a beautiful thing. Thank you. And now we are going to do season 3!! Oh wow.....🙌 That in my opinion is when the show really starts.


Can't wait for season 3!!


Once again, a vampire dies in Elena's arms from a werewolf bite. Once again, in Damon's room. This scene was sad and bright at the same time. Damon admits that loving Katherine was a mistake. I don't think so, though. We can't choose who to love. Therefore, it can't be a mistake. Elena forgives Damon. And not only because he's dying, but also because she accepts him for who he is. That's what Elena tells him. Still, Elena was extremely careless. After all, she remembers what happened to Rose. I guess after all that's happened, she probably isn't afraid for her life. But Damon could have run away, like Rose did, and killed someone. Elena is a truly fearless girl. A second time lying in bed with a sick and insane vampire. Waiting for the story of Stefan and Klaus. This is also an intriguing and crazy story. Stefan the Ripper. Klaus is an unrecognizable hybrid. Why does Klaus need Stefan? This will be interesting. I'm very excited about season 3. I look forward to. Sofie, thank you for your reaction.❤️ I hope to see you soon.


I completely agree with you. To be honest, I don't like love triangles on shows. And I was hesitant to start watching TVD for a long time, because my friends described it as a love triangle story. And I am very glad that this was not the case at all. This is a story about the relationship of the brothers above all. Very important topics are raised here: friendship, relationships between children and parents, love, betrayal, and many other social and psychological topics. That's why I loved this show.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine def did love them both. She was in love with Stefan.

Futuristic Girl

Defund the Mystic Falls Police.

Futuristic Girl

The twist where Klaus's blood was the cure, so if they killed him a cure wouldn't exist and Damon would be dead was sooo good!!! I believe Klaus's blood is the cure because he has both vampire and werewolf blood, a hybrid. A werewolf bite wouldn't affect him.

Futuristic Girl

There's are reasons why Klaus is specifically interested in Stefan.

Futuristic Girl

Stefan is either all the way good or bad. When he's bad, it's hard to come back from. His arc in Season 3 is really interesting.

Futuristic Girl

Finally we wrapped the EPIC season 2.


Season one was the introduction to the characters and building with them an emotional connection. Season two was to get more the feel of the show, in the sense of understanding that here everything is done for a purpose, everything is motivated, that everything is never black and white, and to build trust in the journey the writers are taking us. Then establish all the main lore and the foundation of this universe and given to the main characters their own path to follow. So now that the base is more solid, we can sink our teeth, vampire style, into the core of the story. Being a vampire story, where every emotion is heightened, the writers are taking us deep into that aspect, to make us viewers understand what the characters really feels and to be part of this world. Instead of sitting and just watching, they grab us from our comfortable sits and pull us right inside, in the center, feeling everything, being part of it. That is why the emotions you will feel in this show, you've never experience before and it is unlikely you'll experienced them in any other show. That is why this show is so amazing and unique.

Andrea Dcosta

We are here to my second most favourite season of TVD. You will absolutely love this season I’m sure :) what a finale though. Delena scene always makes me cry that was so sweet. Season 3 Stefan is very interesting. I just love Paul Wesley he’s an insane actor. Season 3 is gonna amaze you I can’t wait for you’re reactions!!! 😍😍


By the way....the meaning of the word ripper: " person who rips. a murderer who dissects or mutilates his victims' bodies".


The kiss: Ive heard other people say thst Elena loves Damon or is attracted to him and she kisses him because of that, I have to completely disagree. While I think she is attracted to him at this point in the series the circumstamces spell out pretty clearly what the kiss is. 1. Damon is dying. 2. Damon tells her he loves her. 3. Elena kisses him. 4. Damon says "thank you" and Elena says "youre welcome". -> The kiss is a kindness to a dying men. Elena is very compassionate so when Damon tells her he loves her she wants to give him that moment of joy and kisses him. Its a gift. Which is also why I think this is very forgivable, even though shes in a relationship with stefan.


I think Elena kissed Damon because of the "they have something" thing from season 1 and season 2 premiere. It wasn't a friend or pity thing, but Elena feeling what they had between them - which was something - and in that last moment of theirs she wanted to kiss him for that. I am really hyped for season 3; I loved it a lot.


I swear, watching the show through your wonderful reactions makes me relive all the feelings I had when I first watched it. It's almost like a time machine. I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity and for sharing your honest emotions and deep understanding of all the characters with us ;) This season was so good, and I love hearing how much you appreciated it. Very excited and looking forward to see your reactions to season three!


Absolutelly, nobody thinks this as a Delena first kiss, and if they do, they don't get it.


Ari, they do have something, since season one, it is obvious, Damon has always been in the back of Elena minds, but that something here is not yep expressed, hasn't mature yet into conscious love feelings. Nobody consider this as Elena and Damon first kiss, Damon knows that or he would have said thank you, and she wouldn't have answered you are welcome, you don't say those things to your love for kissing you. So no, not at this stage.


Agreed. I think she could have done this in front of Stefan and he'd have been okay with it.


Damon say's ...Stefan feeds so hard he literally RIPS the heads off.

Chantelle Miles

Tyler only nipped Damon, thas why it took longer to affect Damon,whereas Rose but bitten quite badly so probably had way more venom in her, more venom means you die faster.

Keith Engel

I don't view at Delena's first kiss, but the first real steps towards it with her starting to admit her feelings for Damon.