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I can't tell you how happy I'am to see Lexi 😭 I'm crying

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eahy0o30nazkznf/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2xE15%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/joz5cok2yazw7b3/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2XE15%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Love this episode. Your face when you saw the flashback, girl we werent lying when we said Stefan wasnt all good and Damon wasnt all bad 😂😂😂. Love Lexi though probably not as much as most people who watch the show (dont @ me I just know if someone talked that way around me irl it would be to much for me). Theres a reason I could never stand John and this episode just shows again why hes thoroughly unlikable. Next episode has one of the only scenes in the entire show where I conciously noticed the music, it was so pitch perfect (though the music is always great).

Futuristic Girl

Ripper Stefan mention!!!!! Can't wait til you see more flashbacks.

Futuristic Girl

I love how they went back and forth with finding out new info about the dagger and when Damon and Alaric were whisper arguing. Damon was so done!!!

Futuristic Girl

Katherine is soo smart!!! Finesse queen!!

Futuristic Girl

Andy isn't a new Caroline type character. The set up is different. She's in on what's going on and it feels like they have an actual affinity towards each other.


Elena is freaking brave and she is the boss now. The way they played Elijah was very smart. So Elijah is out of the way, but being an original he cannot die permanently but only temporarily. They just have to keep the dagger in place. Katherine as usual plays everybody like a violin, she is out and why she didn’t run if Klaus is coming? Do we believe she wants to help? And of course, she proclaims undying love for Stefan but of all the rooms, she is taking the shower in Damon’s room knowing he will see her naked... The sound track as usual so perfect! And Damon's face is priceless 😂 John tried to have Damon killed for the second time, he so needs the ring. I feel very sorry for Alaric and Jenna, but they just should tell her about the crazy world she is leaving in, she has no idea and the secrets keep piling up. If Tyler’s story tells us something, lies and secrets always come up at the wrong time and from the wrong mouth. Stefan is a ripper....I guess the name is taken from Jack the Ripper, the serial killer. Now we are getting some layer to Stefan’s story too. Unsurprisingly he never volunteers to tell to Elena stories about himself that don’t depict him as good as he presents himself, only when he is forced by circumstance then he opens up. And yes he was very scary, it’s another great Paul thing, his ripper Stefan is as scary as scary can be, Paul is an amazing actor. He can pull beautiful crying face, gorgeous vampire face, threatening face and super scary face like nobody. As usual your deduction are so on point, Lexi did play a big part in helping Stefan to become who he is now. Also you saw a glimpse of Damon after a week he was tuned that was still himself as he was as human not jet transformed by a life time of having to adapt to his new condition alone. Stefan had Lexi, Damon had only himself. I agree that scene was a miss occasion for Damon to apologize to his brother about killing Lexi. That was what I tough too, at this point. Sofie you amaze me with your deductions, you clever girl!


Interisting, I agree with a lot but Damon apologizing would have felt really off for me. There are things you cant apologize for and killing your brothers best friend falls into that category if you ask me. It also has to be said that Damon had his humanity of, a state that is lets say "an extraordinary circumstance". Plus as always Damons face says so much more than words. Stefan shames him and Damon takes it, doesnt say anything and just looks guilty clearly accepting the blame.

Andrea Dcosta

Another amazing episode one of my favourites. I just love the Delaric scenes. I loved looking at your expression when Alaric tells Damon that I’m your friend and you don’t have any friends that was so sweet of Alaric. Looking at their friendship grow makes me soo happy. Lexi Lexi Lexi I love her sooo much she always brings a huge smile to my face she’s just perfect. That line she says there when you’re a vampire u hate immensely but when you love.... and the look on her face 😍 I feel Damon at that moment when Stefan reminded him about lexi was very ashamed and he felt guilty so he just couldn’t say anything his eyes said it all. But yes I agree he could have apologised at that time but it would seem odd Damon suddenly apologising for this. I know watching Stefan like this is surprising when I watched this the first time I was shocked. Stefan being a ripper as lexi said u will know about this more later. Elijah is really so classy I love him. But killing him twice in a episode was kind of wierd. I hated John in this episode but Jenna should know the truth it’s very unsafe for her to not know right now and Elena should tell her instead of keeping her in the dark. Next one u will love the episode specially a particular scene it’s my favourite can’t wait for you to get to it!!


Stefan is the Ripper… The term has finally surfaced. I love how this show emphasizes that there are no true good and true bad. Both Stefan and Damon have their own past, their own secrets. Something that can make them look both good and bad. The only thing I don't like is that Stefan only told Elena about his past under the pressure of circumstances. So if she hadn't read this diary, then he would have kept silent, blaming Damon for everything? Damon never tried to show his best side. On the contrary, he always openly said that he was "bad," even when he wasn't. I hope not. That he just needed more time. By the way, Paul once again proved his acting talent. Stefan the Ripper in his performance is something. It's really scary, and even a little disgusting. He was really worse than Damon at that time. Stefan was driven only by bloodlust and murder. Damon, on the other hand, did everything with calculation, every murder was justified by some purpose. I'm not even sure what's worse, though. And I'm very glad that lexi, his lifeline, got in Stefan's way. We can all make mistakes and deviate from the right path. The main thing is to find the strength to admit it and try to fix it. Elijah was "killed" after all, though not on the first attempt. Couldn't Elena have read all about this dagger at once? She read one sentence at a time, and Stefan called Alaric and Damon after each sentence she read.😂 This made the process a bit more complicated. But what luck that Elena even started reading this diary. Otherwise, Damon would be a gray mummy in a coffin right now. Or a pile of ash. Sofie, I was really happy to see your reaction. I look forward to continuing.🤩


Damon's face when he saw Katherine in the shower is indescribable. He was so happy when he thought he had beaten her in the crypt. And what a disappointment and bewilderment he found at home after dinner. Interestingly, Damon brought Katherine "food" and dresses to the tomb. He knows exactly what a woman needs.😂


Damon came to the lake house so quickly because he already knew where Stefan and Elena were. And Elijah for that needed to first visit his CCTV camera, i.e. Dr. Martin. And only then did he go in search of Elena. Damon had a small head start.

Andrea Dcosta

I loved what u said about the brothers it’s so true actually there’s no particular good or bad brother according to me. Both of them have their past it’s just that Damon is very vocal about most of it and he says that he’s bad although most of the time he does something out of a purpose. But still their actions can’t be justified both of them. Defan is the best ship 😍


I'm going to copy/paste something I wrote on my channel cause I'm lazy. While I was rewatching this I started seeing a parallel between Stefan and someone who suffers from really bad depression. This can be triggering so if you're sensitive you to the subject might want to ignore. The way Stefan is trying so desperately to keep Damon from leaving because he doesn't want to face eternity alone broke me. But the scene where he takes Lexi back to his place and you see all the bodies there and the place is just a mess. Now I've suffered from depression in the past and this just reminds me of the times where you feel so empty and detached that you don't bother to clean, to shower, to do anything. Your house and your appearance start to reflect just how messy and chaotic you feel on the inside. Stefan brings her home and then says "I mean to clean this up" like its not a problem - relatable. You don't see how bad it has gotten because you are not experiencing reality the same way. His face when Lexi tells him that he is a ripper and that he is all the parts of a bad vampire says it all. There is so much confusion in his face because to him this has become the norm. Just needed to share this.


me again, sorry I just have many thoughts. I just want to point out that I'm not on board when the show makes comparisons between the brothers. I understand that Damon is an obvious reference to use but I don't like the whole "You were Damon" comment and then Stefan adding "I was worse." They make it seem like Damon is the standard of a bad vampire and Stefan is the standard of a good vampire and its really unfair to them both.


I love the two brothers characters, so much and they are so incredibly written that even if they are figment of imagination, what they feel and what they had to face in their story is so relatable, for so many reasons. For most of us experiencing some hard times at some point in life, their struggle, mirror ours because the psychological descriptions of issues and the consequent reactions are very real. As I said many time, the writers never stop to amaze me, for they have to have a personal deep understanding of humans psychology. Thank you for sharing.💗


I don't know why, I couldn't post this comment in nostalgicgirl's response, so I'll post it in here. At the beginning of the first season, Damon wanted to inconvenience Stefan, and he wanted to be feared. I consider this a kind of goal. He did it on display in front of Stefan, showing that he could do it. "Anyone, anytime, anyplace." Killing Vicki's friends, and what Damon did to Vicki was a consequence of what Stefan did. It was revenge. In this way, he showed that nothing could stop him. I'm not saying that he never killed for no reason. But I'm sure Damon didn't even come close to doing it that massively. He learned a lot from Katherine. He himself said in the flashback that they should be smarter and more circumspect, like Katherine was. Note that when the need to frighten disappeared, Damon stopped killing people and even eats mostly from a blood bag. Stefan didn't care. He just killed without a purpose, without a reason. Everyone else blames Damon for killing Lexi. But no one remembers that Stefan killed his father. It didn't matter if they loved him. It was their father, their family. Stefan also killed Vicki, Amber and many innocent people in the war. Why is Lexi's life put above other people's? Those people were also someone's relatives, husbands, friends, etc. But no one thinks he's a monster like Damon. In addition, Lexi herself was ready to kill Sheriff Liz and her employees, who are also innocent people. But Stefan and the others persist in making Damon look like a monster. Who, by the way, quite calmly admits to his beloved girlfriend about who he is, without exposing himself as a hero. Although, Damon is well aware of Stefan's past, and that he may have killed even more people than he did.


* I believe that flashback-Damon was from after he knew that Katherine was alive, so he went all in on surviving the comet's return journey and rescuing Katherine. He sacrificed everything, including Stefan, for Katherine. * I liked how Damon brought Katherine clothes, but then she showed up with no clothes. She really does do the opposite of what Damon wants/hopes/thinks. * The brother comparisons; Instead of figuring out who is worse, I like to think about them as Stefan having issues with his vampire side and Damon having issues with his human side and how Elena is helping them both become better: Letting Stefan drink her blood and giving Damon an existential crisis by, I guess, using their connection ("You and I.. we have an understanding") that started back in season 1. * I think this episode showed some of the similarities between Elena and Damon. They are both are very stubborn on doing things their way and they both have crazy plans.


Lol, never noticed the cloth thing. Nice catch. And I like how you point out that Elena is not hurting the brothers liks Katherine did, she is helping them both.


I do agree that Stefan has more of a bloodlust and when he is a ripper he kills more and without any other reason other than to satisfy that bloodlust. He enjoys toying with them and making a spectacle out of it. I'm sorry but if that was really his goal then it was pretty dumb because all he did was make the council aware of vampires, lol. But I get what you mean that because he knew Stefan was back in Mystic Falls that he wanted to put him on edge. He didn't want to make it easy for Stefan to start over and just didn't really care about the consequences. Damon may have a goal in mind when he kills a lot of the time but we can't really say that he has never killed just for the fun of it. I cant say more because spoilers. But yes, I know that it doesn't compare to what Stefan is capable of doing when he goes to that dark place. The whole Lexi thing. How do you know she was going to actually kill Liz? She could have attacked her but I don't think she would have killed her. I think the fact that she didn't want to kill them and was trying to get out of this situation without killing anyone is what made it possible for Damon to stab her in the first place. The whole thing with Damon killing Lexi is that it didn't have to happen and Damon did it to clean up a mess that he started in the first place. He started killing people, he turned Vicky and so he needed a vampire to pin that to and he chose Lexi. Why? Because at the time he wanted to make Stefan suffer and so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. And he killed Stefan's best friend on his birthday. That's savage. I don't hold that against him because I know that he wasn't being himself then but that doesn't make me forget what he did. And yes, Stefan killed his father. After the man came at him with a wooden stake and Stefan pushed him away not realizing his own strength which resulted in Giuseppe getting stabbed. And Stefan being in transition and desperate for blood he drank for him. And Vicky was actually about to kill Elena so killing her was really the best option, especially since Stefan knows an out of control vampire when he sees one. There was no way Vicky could've been helped. You cant compare those deaths with Lexi because Lexi's murder wasn't an accident and it wasn't necessary. It's not that Lexi's life is above other people, is the context surrounding her death that is different. So yeah, I blame Damon for Lexi and I'm pretty sure deep down he blames himself too. I can think of a better parallel but again ... spoilers. The point is that both brothers have the potential to do bad things and good things and I 100 per cent agree that you cant condemn one for being a murderer while absolving the other. About people making Damon look like a monster, there is a saying that goes "You made your bed now lie in it." I think this is because Damon has done monstrous things to everyone and so they automatically have that reaction toward him. The reason no one thinks Stefan as a monster is because they have not have a first hand experience with him being a monster. It's not the same to read about it than to actually experience it and not only that but become a victim to it.

Andrea Dcosta

Very rightly said Elena and Damon are quite similar. They both have survivors guilt as well. Damon from the war days when his father prefered Stefan over him. The thing u said that Stefan suffers to deal with his vampire self the same way Damon struggles with his human self. Such an amazing thing to notice.


You took the words out of my mouth, I hate that so much!


I just want to say that I love this chat. Its always great when people in a fandom can come together and express their opinions without judgment and hate. It's a special thing. Just want everyone to know that even though I may disagree with you at times I absolutely respect your opinions and really enjoy reading other peoples points of view. I learn so much! <3


I am also very happy that there is a place where we can share your thoughts and find out someone else's opinion. These discussions are very exciting and allow you to look at the situation from different points of view. I sincerely hope I didn't seem rude in expressing my opinion. Still, the language barrier does not always allow me to choose the right words. I love and respect everyone, and I don't want to offend anyone. Sofie, thank you for bringing us all here..


So now we know how Uncle John knows so much. The Gilbert journals told him that Stefan and Damon were vampires. I wonder if Uncle John had been keeping an eye on them, knowing they would potentially return to Mystic Falls. On the surface, the situation with Damon and Andie may seem the same as he was with Caroline, but it isn't. He actually likes Andie. I'm not going to defend what he is doing, because it still comes into my top 10 of Damon's worst actions. What I will say is that Andie's maturity does have an effect on Damon. He is around teens most of the time. He doesn't have an adult to talk to other than Ric. He hasn't compelled her the same way he compelled Caroline. He hasn't compelled her to forget things. He compelled her to not fear him, keep his secret and to fall for him. I don't think the last one was needed because the other 2 were enough for that to happen. This is more like what Katherine did to Stefan. Katherine used to feed on Damon, and he didn't mind it. I guess that is why he doesn't feel guilty about it. I am not going to say I am comfortable with Damon's behaviour, because I'm not, I hate it. Sometimes it is hard being a fan of Damon's. The first time it was mentioned about Stefan being a ripper was in 2x8. Damon said to Stefan “Since we're road trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived for was blood? You were the guy who ripped someone apart just for the fun of it.” A frequently overlooked comment. I get Stefan not wanting to reveal his past out of guilt and shame, but I do question whether Elena would have dated Stefan in the first place had she have known the truth about him. What is clear is that our perceptions may have been initially skewed due to when we first meet the brothers and their state of mind when the show started. Every time Ric suggests to Damon that there will be no killing, Ric does the honors instead. A nap is probably the best way to describe it, although they don't appreciate those naps, as already proven by Elijah. He was only napping for minutes and he wasn't happy about it. Damon knew where they were, whereas Elijah need his witch to do a spell to find Elena. Ir gave Damon a head start. Damon needed to feel ready to apologise. He's taken the first step, the look on his face suggested he felt guilty. But for Damon, until he regrets his action, he won't be able to apologise, it is not his way. He doesn't apologise unless he 100% means it. And to be fair, that is what an apology is all about. There is no point saying sorry if you don't mean what you say. I'm not one of those who is completely in love with Lexi. I don't dislike her, but I feel she wasn't good for Defan. She was good for Stefan, but not the brothers as a whole. It is clear from 1x8 that she and Damon didn't get along. He doesn't dislike her in this episode, and she didn't dislike him. Something clearly changed along the way. I like her character and I like her influence on Stefan, but I have my reasons for not being her biggest fan. They will come to light over time. She does have a Mother Theresa complex. I wonder if, as a human, she was a nun or someone who had to care for sick people. It would make sense with her personality. Damon is too stubborn to have had Lexi guide him. He may have seemed stable, and he was aware that Katherine was trapped in the tomb. He knew he had to rescue her, meaning he was going to have to survive for the next 145 years. Stefan was putting them both at risk with his behaviour and wasn't listening to Damon. When Lexi discovered Stefan, Damon knew she would be a better influence on his brother than he could be as he had to learn how to deal with being a vampire at the same time. Damon could barely take care of himself, how was he supposed to take care of an out of control vampire? Damon being there was just a reminder to Stefan that he had forced his brother to turn against his will and was feeling extremely guilty. Damon knew that if he left, it would be easier for Stefan to recover. Elena had to do something, otherwise Elijah would kill her family. She needed to call his bluff. Stabbing herself may have seemed a bit much, but I'm sure Stefan and Damon made sure she knew exactly where to stab herself so she didn't kill herself before Stefan could heal her. This stage of the season isn't my favourite, but it picks up soon. Great reaction. I'm looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


I share your view on Lexi.

I Am Not Chamari

Alaric "killing" Elijah was admittedly badass... if only he stuck the landing lol