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Sorry guys, not my best reaction I was not feeling that well and was rambling

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/axzg1bc3egvi3j0/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2xE13%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nbnqao6o09lomld/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2xE13%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




I don't think Elena manipulated Damon on purpose. Remember season 1 episode 11 when Lexi's boyfriend tried to kill Damon? Elena did something similar. She also pointed out the guy's feelings, telling him to be better than this. Now she's trying to save Tyler. Put yourself in her shoes. If someone told you openly that they wanted to kill your friend, someone you've known since childhood, what would you do? It seems natural to me that Elena is trying to talk Damon out of killing her friend, even if it's a manipulation.


Poor Caroline. I don't understand Jules's behavior either. It seems like she really wants to help Tyler. But the methods she chooses to do this are too strange, cruel, and illogical. What had Caroline done to her? Why torment her? On the contrary, she was with Tyler at this terrible moment in his life, risking her life. Damon killed Mason, and Stefan kind of helped him do it. Why didn't she deal with them directly? Didn't have the guts? Kidnapping and abusing Caroline was a cowardly and despicable act. After that, I'm not surprised that Tyler was confused and didn't know what to do. On the one hand, Caroline, who he liked and who helped him in everything, easing his suffering. On the other hand, Jules is a werewolf, Mason's girlfriend, who is theoretically the most capable of understanding him right now. And she also says that everything that happened to Caroline was a lie. And he's just a schoolboy who didn't know anything about werewolves and vampires until a few days ago, who had to go through a terrible transformation into a wolf against his will. And who should he trust? I don't know what I would have done in his place.


John came back again and again brought confusion to the lives of other characters. Remarkably, it was with Damon that he had conversations about trusting and saving Elena. He also gave him the way to kill the Original. Although, on John's side, Damon is the last person to be trusted with this. It made more sense to discuss all this with Stefan, a more balanced and sane human/vampire. Besides, Stefan is Elena's boyfriend, after all. I think I can guess why John did it this way, but I'll talk about it in the next episodes, so as not to make spoilers. And Damon, in turn, is again forced to Express his feelings to another person, whom he practically does not know. Very sad. Sofie, I love your reactions. And I really liked this one. It's interesting to know your thoughts. So don't worry about talking too much. Everything was fine. I look forward to the next episode.


Oh dear...Tyler. That is what happens when you are forced to lie to your friends, keeping secret that when they come out from the mouth of someone that isn’t a friend and has her own agenda, create a sense of betrayal and mistrust. Jules and Brady have their own agenda which is enlarge their pack and for sure they are no friends to our Mystic Falls heterogeneous circle of friends. “Divide et impera” divide and rules, it is a matter of power. This particular pack of werewolves wants to expand, pledge loyalty to their own “honor and loyalty”, they don’t have a conflict of conscience when they kill humans and they rip humans in pieces and are driven by vampire loathing. It is an allegory for the concept of race preservation and hatred of diversity. I don’t believe it is casual that the Lockwood are written to have werewolf genes; the most powerful family of founders that became richer during the war, by killing vampire and gaining their properties. Obviously the vampire weren’t local and the founders’ families hated them, branding them as monsters with no redeeming qualities, to be exterminated on site, as any sympathizer. Sounds familiar? Another layer to add to this show. Anyway Tyler found himself right in the middle of all of that. But who is the one nice person that gets the bitter end of the rope when the trail of lie blows in everybody’s face, poor sweet Caroline. I hated what they did to her and Tyler hesitance is very disappointing. It is true that he is new to this world of craziness and danger and he is confused and wants to get help from people like him, but still, after all she did for him! Stefan sweetness and thoughtfulness towards Caroline here is priceless. I adore the way he is with her. And it was so good to see the three friends coming together again in support of Caroline, this character deserve all the love of the world. Has anybody else notice that in this episode Elena’s body language towards Damon changed, she looks at him differently and touches him much more than usual and agrees with him. Talking about distraction, the shower scene!!!....and the bath scene!!! I must say the shirtless Stefan or semi-naked Damon, it’s an eye candy and to top that, Ian in regard of on screen kisses, is second to none. Damon has a new distraction, “you can booty call me anytime” Andy, is he going to kill her? She is not a stranger in the middle of the street passing by, she is a friend of Jenna, a television reporter, a successful lady and we know that Damon likes this type of woman and I feel he didn’t wanted to have anything to do with her at the beginning but he changed his mind, he needs to talk with someone, to have a distraction in his life, the Rose thing really mess up with his head. And yes he does feel guilty. But he isn’t good at pretending to be who is not, like Stefan does, and because of Stefan, Elena thinks that is the norm, the standard to achieve and it’s not, Stefan is repressing his nature and we’ve seen what happens when his nature resurface, he can handle it much worse then Damon does. That is the main difference between the two brothers and Elena has a false sense of norm. I really enjoy your reactions, are clever and genuine, and surely not perfect because you are never boring.😁 Sharing this with you is a pleasure. I'll look forward to the next.

Futuristic Girl

I believe Katherine cut off his fingers and stabbed him because he'd already done what she needed him to do which was get rid of the tomb vampires.

Futuristic Girl

Again, Fuck Jules. She need to mind her business.

Futuristic Girl

I didn't care for what Elena was trying to do because if you know Damon he doesn't like being told what to do.


Damon doesn't like to be told how to behave, because he is an adult, among 17 years old people and he isn't an hypocrite. He is trying very hard to be "a better man" but he isn't a man, he is a vampire and certain behavior are not reconcilable with his nature and with who he is as vampire. Elena is clueless, she doesn't know what she is asking of him and Stefan.

james hghg

I know it seems very cut and dry watching the episode but when you think about it logically tyler really is not at fault. Yes caroline said she risked her life to be with tyler during the transition but she also said she was the only vampire and kept his uncle's death from him so he is perfectly fine to question her motives to whether he can trust her being she has already been proven a liar about her being the only vampire and have yet to be proven correct with the whole werewolf can kill a vampire. Jules really isn't in the wrong either about how she went about getting tyler back, she got a phone call from tyler where he yelled help and was instantly hung up so he obviously has been taken and going to his house under what information was gathered isn't very smart because who's to say they are not there and her going there gets tyler killed so taking caroline was definitely the right move for her. Arrow was just being a dick nothing to add to his case lol.

Linda Moore

I totally agree with what you're saying about Elena - she isn't manipulating Damon per se. It's like she's trying to use her influence on him to make him "behave" and that's not really the way to go about it. I liked Andie's explanation of it much better. He's changing (slowly) because love changes the way we see the world. But it's not going to happen overnight and Elena shouldn't try to push him or "change" him in that way. It has to be organic. Tyler pissed me off so much in this episode. I get that he was confused, I get that he may have thought both Stefan and Caroline were liars who were just trying to manipulate him. But it would have taken absolutely nothing for him to get Stefan to give him the phone, assure Jules he was fine, and tell her to come to the house with Caroline. Who knows if Jules would have done it, but I would have had more respect for Tyler. He was such a punk in this episode. Like, hesitating to save/help Caroline after everything she did for him - grr!!! When it comes to John and Katherine. I think Katherine was trying to kill him because he was a "loose end". And she cut off his fingers because it was the quickest way to get his ring off. :)

Andrea Dcosta

I feel if Elena changes him and she makes him be a better man there’s nothing wrong in that. And I feel if she’s the inspiration for him to change or be it Stefan then it’s alright but yes if we see this change from Damon himself as well it will be much better. But I’m curious to see Sofie’s reactions relating to this further on. It’s sad but good to see Damon’s struggle we all know he’s not straight off evil and he’s struggling with it. I feel bad for Tyler he was confused and didn’t know who to trust. Caroline yes she helped him but also lied about Mason. I know it’s not her fault but I feel for Tyler poor guy. I hate to see Caroline suffer she doesn’t deserve this 😢 Stefan is the guy all girls would want that scene at the end there just melted me up. Love you’re reactions Sofie and you weren’t just blabbering 😁Take Care and get well soon!!


Yeah manipulate is not the word that I should have used but something is different about this scene. I agree trying to talk Damon out of killing someone that's something Elena would do and it's not the first time that Elena try to convince Damon to not kill someone. but the way she did it this time was different. the way she looked at him touched and caressed his arm even the tone of her voice was different. like she's trying to influence him by being gentle with him and saying be the better man.you know what I mean? Because before she won't be like gazing him and touching him like this when she's trying to stop him from doing something stupid so it was clear for me that she was using her influence on him


I understand that he was confused but the fact that he chose to put his trust into strangers '' yeah I know they are werewolf's like him'' instead of this friend who he've known his whole life that stood by his side in his darkest ours was not ok he didn't even gave her the benefit of the doubt. I'm just like what if the witch didn't come to save the day will he just stand there watching Caroline being killed?


Oh I really found what you wrote interesting about the code of this particular pack and how the Lackwood's came to power by eliminating the vampires. Kathrine did hint about that in episode 4. wow nothing is a coincidence in this show.


I understand that he was confused and he has every right to not trust her and to question her motive but he chose to put his complete trust into strangers instead of this friend who he've known his whole life that stood by his side in his darkest hours he didn't even gave her the benefit of the doubt. I'm just like what if the witch didn't come to save the day will he just stand there and watch Caroline being killed because she lied to him ?

Futuristic Girl

Rewatching, I actually like the Martin witches. I didn't hate them before. Now, I understand their role. They're not "evil". They're doing all this for a reason. And I like Jonas being so wise about witches and just about his business. I like that in a character.


Stefan and Caroline scenes... I love them so much!


I loved your comments regarding Elena. People rarely call out the characters who are deemed good when it comes to manipulating others. Often it is only thought to be the 'bad' characters who do that. Damon and Katherine are often cited as being very manipulative, but Stefan and Elena can be just as bad. However, it is the motive for manipulation which counts. Katherine is a narcissist and manipulates for her own personal gain. Damon is a terrible liar, which means he's not very good at manipulation. Stefan is good at manipulation, but he doesn't do it very often, and are more often than not selfless. Likewise, Elena is also good at manipulation, however her motives are selfless. What is odd is Elena's behaviour towards Damon throughout this episode. Elena saw a side to Damon who was selfless with someone else other than her and Stefan. She saw the tears he was trying to hold back and he admitted he felt guilty. She knows he's vulnerable, so she is treating him with kid gloves. I do think there is more to it than that, there is a fleeting moment where she looks at Damon from a distance as he turns down Andie. Blink and you miss it. It is a look of relief when he turned Andie down. Why is anyone's guess. Maybe she feared what Damon might do to Andie. Maybe Elena secretly likes being the focus of Damon's attentions. I really can't say for certain, despite watching this episode umpteen times. My initial thought was she was jealous of the possibility of Andie being with Damon. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, I think it is totally open to interpretation. The reason I thought that is with her being much more touchy-feely with him. Stefan and Caroline scenes were beautiful he is so sweet and different with her. He has only known her for a few months and has only been close to her for about 6 weeks, yet his friendship with her is already deep. He is wanting to be her hero, despite the fact that as she feeds solely on human blood and Stefan only has drops of human blood, I think she is as strong as he is. So she is capable of looking after herself, yet Stefan feels protective over her. He doesn't seem to be able to lie to her. It is such a beautiful friendship, I love it. Oh dear, Tyler. I get he was confused, but he couldn't repay Caroline the favour of risking his life for her like she did him. I get that he is new to all of this. The one thing which shocks me is that if Stefan had told Tyler that Mason had fallen in with the vampire who killed Caroline to turn her, he might have been more sympathetic. Tyler knew Mason was up to no good, Stefan only had to confirm it was what got Mason killed, then I think Tyler would have been more inclined to help. Tyler only needed Mason to help him with his werewolf side. He barely knew his uncle, so him losing Mason wasn't all about grief, it was about needing his help. I think that is why he was hesitant and almost sided with the wolves. But, at the end of the day, for hurting Caroline, Tyler is cancelled in this episode and Stefan is raised to hero status. Is John double crossing everyone? Or is he helping Katherine because she can help lure Klaus away from Mystic Falls? Great reaction. I'm looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x

I Am Not Chamari

We went on a ride with Damon's character last episode, but I think this might be the best/most interesting Damon episode. His rejection of Andie, only for her to be in his bathtub in the end is truly fascinating. He seems genuinely afraid of what he might do the women in his life. Authenticity is another thing that's really important to him. You could see how difficult it is to be anything other than who he is. He thinks he knows who he is and wears it proudly. But when outside influences starts seeping it, changing who he thinks he is naturally, it literally eats him up inside. Damon might hide from his own feelings, or mask them, but he doesn't pretend to be anyone but himself - an admirable but dangerous trait. Can Damon organically change who he is, rather than have it come from an external force? Will that help with his internal fight? Maybe that is why he says he misses being human. He misses being able to be a "good guy" without it being this uphill battle. Just my two cents.

Keith Engel

The track Selection is great for this episode, when Elena and Damon talk after Damon turns down Andie...You see Elena looking at Damon prior to him coming over, and the way she starts looking at him while he is there. "Stay" by Hurts My whole life waiting for the right time To tell you how I feel. Know I try to tell you that I need you. Here I am without you. I feel so lost but what can I do? 'Cause I know this love seems real But I don't know how to feel. We say goodbye in the pouring rain And I break down as you walk away. Stay, stay. 'Cause all my life I've felt this way But I could never find the words to say Stay, stay. Alright, everything is alright Since you came along And before you I had nowhere to run to Nothing to hold on to I came so close to giving it up. And I wonder if you know How it feels to let you go? You say goodbye in the pouring rain And I break down as you walk away. Stay, stay. 'Cause all my life I've felt this way But I could never find the words to say Stay, stay. So change your mind And say you're mine. Don't leave tonight Stay. Say goodbye in the pouring rain And I break down as you walk away. Stay, stay. 'Cause all my life I've felt this way But I could never find the words to say Stay, stay. Stay with me, stay with me, Stay with me, stay with me, Stay, stay, stay, stay with me.

Keith Engel

Then the song playing when they first come into the Grill together to talk with Uncle John. My eyes are painted red The canvas of my soul Is slowly breaking down, again Today I heard the news The stories getting old When will we see the end ? Of the days, we bleed, for what we need To forgive, forget, move on Cause we've got One life to live One love to give One chance to keep from falling One heart to break One soul to take us Not forsake us Only One Only One (Only one) The writing's on the wall Those who came before Left pictures frozen still, in time You say you want it all But whose side you fighting for ? I sit and wonder why There are nights, we sleep, while others they weep With regret, repent, be strong Cause we've got One life to live One love to give One chance to keep from falling One heart to break One soul to take us Not forsake us Only One Only One Just you and I Under one sky One life to live One love to give One chance to keep from falling One heart to break One soul to take us Not forsake us Only One Only One One life to live One love to give One chance to keep from falling One heart to break One soul to take us Not forsake us Only One Only One

Keith Engel

The real shame is most people don't realize how manipulative Stefan really is since the start of the show.