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I'm officially done 😭

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4w3bchttanp04r6/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2xE12%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ksifgjwwjczaik/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S2xE12%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




YESS I clicked so quick 😂💖


LOL you remind me of another reactor, Skettiwin, that cannot pay attention whenever Stefan is shirtless. On another note, I may have seen this a 100 times and I still sob when Rose dies...


Same... its such a beautiful scene you can’t help but to cry


Told you its a great but sad episode. Im probably a little bit of a masochist: this episode is one of my favorites.


Damon's scene at the end is so disappointing, yet fascinating and amazing all at the same time. His character dynamic is definitely complex and his development is a rollercoaster. This whole episode is so amazing in my opinion, I've watched it so many times and it never fails to make me cry. Lauren Cohan who plays Rose also gave an incredible performance. Even though she was only in a few episodes, like Lexi, her death was tragic and she deserved better :( Can't wait for the coming episodes!


Love how you were just speechless the whole last scene, amazing scene, writing and performance. As to Damon and Rose: After 2x8 there was no doubt for me that Damon and Elena belong with each other (ironically the episode Rose was introduced) so I never shiped them but I found their scenes engaging and would have loved to see Rose as Damons bff. Also love how when Rose was talking about how loved Elena is, shes soooooo not talking about Stefan 😂.


Oh no, Sofie, we weren’t exited to see you cry, we were exited to share with you such a beautiful, emotional, poetic episode, knowing that since you are a sensitive person you would appreciate the beauty of it, and we were exited for you to discover how big and magnificent is Damon's heart. Damon, poor thing, can catch a break. Every time he has an opportunity to feel good, to have someone in his life that cares even a little, distracting him from loving Elena, he gets crushed. He cared about Rose because she was a sweet person with a tragic life but he didn’t love her. If anything she made him realize how much in love he is with Elena, how he is conflicted about wanting to care, how tragic and wasted is a life without love, family, roots, she made him think hard about his life. We caught glimpses of what he is behind the facade of tough and rough, badass, selfish persona he likes everybody and himself, to think he is, we saw it in Liz and Caroline situation, when he tried to patch up things between Elena and Stefan about drinking blood and when he declared his love to Elena, how much he loves her and his brother and selflessly made her forget. Stefan loves Damon because he remembers who Damon was as human and keeps hoping he would get to see that side of him again. Becoming a vampire was the biggest misfortune that could have happen to someone as sensitive and fragile as Damon is. The two sides of who he is as human and who he is as vampire are clashing so harshly, that he had to buried down his humanity not to be crushed by the pain of who he cannot be anymore and who he has became. Life events keep pushing his humanity out with overwhelming conflicting results that cannot possibly reconcile. “I cannot be who she want me to be, because I’m not human, and I miss it more than anything in the world...There is only so much pain a man can take” it summarizes his life and that is shattering to hear and see. His final kill to that poor unfortunate girl is the visual representation of the violence of the inner conflict, the existential crisis he is enduring, alone, because he doesn’t burden anybody he cares with his troubles. He burdens a stranger and by killing her he make sure that the secret remain secret. The last shoot on his vampire face is incredible, he just killed his pain, he killed with rage the unbearable unfairness he feel his life is. That, in a way, is how Damon writes his diary. I cannot marvel more to the level of the depth that the writers were capable to give to this character. Damon has an effect on me that never any other character ever did. Ian Somerhalder performance is outstanding. At first he fought against Damon showing that much level of vulnerability. I guess when you play a character for long time, you became a bit that character and Damon would die before showing others vulnerability. But Kevin Williamson made him realize that this would give his character another level of depth. He realized that and got on board with it. To bring truth to the performance, he had to go psychologically in a place he didn’t want to go and afterwards he was depressed for two days. But the result, for us viewers though, it’s magnificent and heart shattering. On a nice note...oh yes... Stefan/ Paul shirtless is very distracting....and Tyler/ Michael is very handsome. Sofie you are such a sweetheart. So I’m telling you this is not just a show, it is a very unique experience, it is an emotional journey, that will make you laugh, cry, sob hard, will entertain you, will bless your eyes more that you think possible (you haven’t seen nothing yet...), will fill your heart with love and compassion, will make you love and empathize with the characters like you’ve never experienced before. Trust the journey. 💗

Futuristic Girl

That wolf growl was def Paul Wesley. He's so funny.

Futuristic Girl

Damon and Rose's scene is sooo beautiful. Ian Somerhalder acted his ass off this episode.

Futuristic Girl

Damon does embrace being a vampire, which is the difference between him and Stefan. I think he kinda resents being able to embrace his vampire nature because it suppress the human him. Stefan and Damon battle with balancing their human side and their vampire side. But in different ways. Damon is more emotional and Stefan's is more about the blood thirst.

Futuristic Girl

This season gets more hectic. This is my fave season personally.


Personally I love all the subsequent seasons more. I feel like TVD starts really in season 3.


Can the werewolves control themselves when they turn? Jules had obviously come for Damon. Not for any other vampire, but for him. So she could control herself and reason. But in the woods, I thought she was shocked to see so many dead people. Did she do this on her own, or do werewolves lose control at some point? Damon is good, of course. Leave a girl dear to him to care for a sick vampire who is more than 500 years old. And it should be noted that this girl is a human. And nothing is known about this bite. How does this disease develop, how quickly, what happens to a vampire? Of course, what could go wrong? And if death comes quickly? In that case, Elena would have had to watch Rose die. And why didn't Damon go straight home after talking to Jules? Or at least why didn't he call Elena to find out how the situation is? Not a very good situation, no matter how you look at it. And when he did come back, he also scared Elena half to death. Why didn't he just come in and say hello? Where has he been all day? It was already dark outside. And then he dragged Elena to find Rose. Although I don't rule out that she might have asked for it. I'm incredibly sorry about Rose. All her life to hide against her will and die in such agony. I don't think she deserved it. And Elena - well done. She'd been running and hiding from rose for almost half a day and hadn't thought to call anyone but Damon. She could have called Stefan, Caroline, or Alaric a hundred times. And Alaric, in turn, works for Damon as a spy in the bar... Funny. Well, Stefan also distinguished himself. He was looking for Isobel, and brought uncle John. A nice surprise made while everyone was busy with other things. In the following episodes, we will find out why this surprise was needed. Damon and Jessica... A heartbreaking and very powerful scene. Did Damon do this just because of rose's death? Or did Elena's conversation push him? Would he have done the same if it hadn't been for Elena's monologue about his feelings? I don't know. After all, he'd told Jessica that he couldn't be what SHE (Elena, I suppose) wanted him to be. I think this conversation really hurt him. He still can't recognize his humanity. In any case, he doesn't want to be expected to. When Damon said "But there's only so much hurt a man can take", my heart broke into many pieces. And it makes it even worse to know that he can't share his pain with anyone other than a random stranger on the street. This scene was very powerful and always left a mark on my heart. Bravo to acting!That look of pain, the words, the cry that breaks into a whisper, and the music that accompanies the scene... I get goosebumps. Sofie, thank you for your reaction.💖


The only funny thing about this episode was Caroline. These guys completely confused her, kissed the poor girl. She needs to be alone, to think, to get inside herself, and they all climb with their love and kisses.


Oh, I forgot... Damon is reading "Gone with the wind". How romantic!😄

Andrea Dcosta

I cried with you Sofie like a baby. Just can’t control myself whenever I watch this episode. I know it’s a super sad and tragic episode but it’s one of my favs of the entire series. Damon is sucha complex character this is the best episode for us to see that. Ian gave such a brilliant performance in this. He misses being human so much still he enjoys being a vampire he embraces it as u mentioned much better then Stefan that’s why he handles drinking blood much better which we seen how Stefan struggles with it but Damon can’t handle grief as we have seen before and that’s magnified for him as a vampire. Will miss Rose such a great character. How sad Damon losses everyone he loves or gets close to 😢 For the fun part Stefan is so funny when he can be that wolf action always get me lol and Caroline’s like everyone needs to stop kissing me haha. Glad they had some funny scenes in this one. I hate Jules never have liked her. Can’t wait for the next one!!


Some comments are really spoilery with some a lot more than others. Hope you didn't read them, Sofie. In case anyone missed her saying it, she doesn't even want to read the episode title before she has watched the episode - that is how little she likes spoilers.


Guys... These are HUGE spoilers. DELETE these comments. Patreon is supposed to be a place where Sofie can communicate with us without being spoiled... She already made an announcement like this before. Only talk about the episodes she has posted.... otherwise her reactions won't be genuine


One thing I hate about vampire diaries is that they didn't give justice to characters like rose and lexi...they had so much potential


Not really...their death are a little piece of a huge puzzle and at the end of the show when all is reviled and you look at the whole picture, it will make perfect sense. Nothing in this show is casual or futile, everything, every piece of information, every action has a purpose and it is written intentionally, but it is given to you so diluted that you will only know about everything at the end. That is the unique peculiarity of this show.


Are warnings of a semi-naked Salvatore in the following episode deemed as a spoiler? Or be more vague and have a list with all of the hot actors and have a vague semi-naked alert? That way it isn't too spoilery. Jules is my least favourite character in the entire show. I don't know what it is about her, she's not the most evil or annoying, but I just want to punch her every time she is on screen. If you think about it, we don't know very much about either of the Salvatore's. We don't know what made them into the vampires they are today. Was Stefan always good? Was Damon always bad? He wasn't bad as a human. All we know about Damon is that he was a soldier as a human and he turned off his humanity for a very long time. Damon tends to be true to himself. He isn't a natural liar or actor, so he can only pretend to be a human for short periods of time. He misses being human, but he has to accept what he is, it is the only way he can be comfortable with himself. However, he knows he's changing. The pain may have disappeared for a short while after he killed Jessica, but the guilt was still there. You could see it in his face, he didn't enjoy the kill like he used to. Damon is far more emotional than Stefan and he was as a human. That is why he was still in love with Katherine and didn't care when he found out she was a vampire. If you love someone, you accept them for who they are, not what they are. Damon struggles with grief more than Stefan. This was a prime example. If you compare Stefan's reaction to Lexi dying, someone he'd known for over a hundred years, to a woman who Damon knew for only 5 minutes, it is evident who deals with their emotions better. Damon's love knows no boundaries, and he will do anything for the people he loves, including crossing the line to protect them, engaging in actions which isn't appreciated by those who he is trying to protect. He frequently messes up because he goes one step too far. What I loved about your reaction was that despite the fact you knew what Damon was going to do to Jessica, you focussed more on what Damon was saying and being very aware of that insight into his soul. Most reactors don't look that deep and just focus on him killing Jessica. Your reaction to that scene was refreshing. Thank you. Deaths in this show usually serve a purpose. Rose's sad demise will eventually serve many purposes. Great reaction. I'm looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x

I Am Not Chamari

I've avoided crying so far in your reactions, because I've seen TVD episodes so many times. This episode, I just cannot do it. Rose's death is SO sad and Damon's downward spiral is easy one of the most memorable moments of the show. Ian deserves all of his flowers here.