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Who's finding any problems now opening links to my videos. or getting a message like: '' not available because it’s exceeded the number of playbacks'' ??


Linda Moore

I'm a new patron about 2 weeks, but I've never had this message. 😊


I have never had a problem with the links so far.


I had it once but i just came back later and it was fine


happens on the TVD 2x10 reaction right now, simply too many people tried to watch it too fast. You might wanna put it up on dropbox or onehub as an alternative as well

Andrea Dcosta

Oh yes Sofie Dropbox is good. For me google drive wasn’t opening once but then later on it did and was working just fine. Just as an alternative Dropbox is a great idea would be best. But for now links are Working completely fine.


Never had a problem

Andrea Dcosta

I would personally like Dropbox as an alternate option. For me google drive wasn’t opening once but then later it worked fine so no problem as such. But for now yes links are working fine no problems.


I’ve never had that issue! I’ve had it with some others on Patreon but it’s never happened for me with your channel! :)


Never had this problem.

Idun V

I've never seen anything like that