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Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_w0GUnGnOIgpyKv1-ELoVNsKnl8nmt8h/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e43eTfDd-So8xFz2BG8Kqx2KqLsk_ipp/view?usp=sharing




The scene with Jeremy, Elena, and Damon was so family-friendly. Damon is like an older brother who was left to babysit while the adults were away. 😄So he improvises. He locked Elena in the house with Bonnie's hands so that she wouldn't interfere with his business. Elena is so funny sulking. Poor girl, she can't even go out in the sun to get warm.😄😄 Turning Tyler into a wolf is like a horror movie moment. I looked at it with a shudder of the heart. 😭 I felt as if my bones were being broken. Bravo to Michael Trevino. He conveyed all the emotions and horror of what was happening 100%. I wanted to join Caroline in reassuring him that everything was going to be all right. I love Caroline. She showed herself here as a true friend who does not leave her loved one in trouble. I cried with you. Only, the joke about the Hulk slightly diluted the tension of the moment at first. But it was like a drop in the ocean. I already missed Damon's tandem with Alaric. They put on a funny theatrical production for Jules.😄 However, the new girl turned out to be smart. And Damon, by tradition, got himself in trouble again. I'm so sorry about Rose. You were so genuinely happy that Rose was all right that I bitterly waited for the episode to end. 😭 I really like Rose. Bonnie is still so trusting and naive. She trusted Luka again, who had deceived her again. And the moonstone is back in action, safe and sound. Sofie, great reaction, as always. I wish you good luck with your work, as well as health and moral balance. 💖 See you later!


Cant wait for next episode, its one of my favorites of the show, though it might not be particularly happy.


After this episode I remember thinking: “Boy, with this cast they've struck gold!!”, Michael Trevino is making you feel all the pain and the agony, his body is going through and all the trauma of thinking that this is going to be his life once a month. What a terrific actor, making us hate Tylor, portraying perfectly the privileged jerk in first season and turning the table around making us love him compassionately. By the way, Tylor and Caroline were one of my ship at this point, so much in common, both with powerful moms, both with a big secret they can't tell to their family and Caroline is so sweet with him. It’s a bit like the Romeo and Juliette situation both part of not friendly, with each other supernatural creatures. I like the show because the writers go all the way for a realistic scenario, they are not romanticizing things, they will always give you the row and the ugly reality of it. They asked themselves questions and gave us realistic answers…what it would feel like if a human body have to transform into the body of an animal? How would it feel to date a “vampire”? How would it feel to have the urge to kill and get pleasure out of it and have a conscience at the same time? Etc. making the characters very relatable, because in a fantasy situation they all have very human feelings. And strangely enough they change the perception we have on many things, forcing viewers to be compassionate to “monsters”…. the power of allegories!! I felt like Luka was a reluctant participant to the Bonnie deception. I do feel he likes her, but his father has an agenda and he is in cahoots with Elijah, so Luka can’t do much about it. And at this point we still don’t know who to trust and what are their motivations. Every character in the show have motivations. I love Elijah character, his mannerism, his presence, the way he walks, talks, dress and I must say Daniel Gilles is quite handsome. This character was created at the beginning to keep Damon in check, to have some worthy opponent, I’m glad they gave him a better purpose and gave this character some interesting layers. Damon and Alaric, I adore them together, such an unlikely friendship still, works like a charm, they have a very special chemistry that make all their scene together so entertaining. I’ve been waiting so long for you to get to the next episode, because if this was a show case for Michael Trevino, the next one it’s an Ian Somerhalder one, and one of my personal favorite episode in general. I’m sorry you are not feeling well, but rest assure you are the best anyway.


Lovely reaction, like always. Damon and Alaric's scenes are just hilarious this episode. Alaric the town drunk LOL. Also that Steferine scene though. I like the chemistry between Stefan and Katherine more than Stefan and Elena mostly because I enjoy their tension. I shouldnt cause Katherine really destroyed Stefan and Damon but you can call it a guilty pleasure. The scenes with Tyler though were the highlights of this episode for me because of how vivid it was and Michael Trevinos acting is just jaw dropping. Also Caroline being so damn brave, staying with him for as long as she could. I think this is where I started to see a lot of potential between them because these are two characters who had such a drastic development in such a short amount of time.


I completely agree with you, teenwolf should have taken notes from vampire diaries regarding Warewolf transformation lmao......and probably in next few episodes, you'll know how badass Elijah is


I feel like any other show in the genre should take notes from TVD, in every respect, other are cartoonish silly, TVD is realistic and empathetic, draw the viewer in the scene with the characters.

Andrea Dcosta

First of all pls don’t be sorry for wearing that night suit it’s so cute funnily when I just clicked the video I was like wow this is such a cute shirt and wanted to tell u to wear it again 😅 and u said it’s a night suit none the less it looks cute on you 😊 Another good episode. Damon and Alaric’s scene with Jules was so funny their friendship is the best such an unlikely friendship but when they team up it’s so much fun to watch. Michael Trevino is an amazing actor he nailed his first transformation into a werewolf. It’s the best I’ve ever seen. Caroline is really a sweetheart and a very brave person. From this episode I started shipping them together they are cute. His transformation was so painful to watch. I didn’t expect to cry again this time around but watching u cry I have to always cry 😢 Elijah is one of my favourites I just love the way he talks dresses he looks like a proper gentleman. I loved the Damon and Rose scene they look so cute together but I’m worried looking at her bite. Next episode is one of my favourites there are so many good scenes and moments in it. One particular scene is my favourite of the entire series 🤩 and is a huge fan favourite 😁 anyways il shut up now See you on the next one. Can’t wait for it!!

Futuristic Girl

Elijah isn't necessarily playing dirty. What he's doing with the Martin witches something different.

Futuristic Girl

I really like the Martin witches, especially Jonas. He so knowledgeable and is about his business. I can respect that.

Futuristic Girl

I never understood what Elijah held against Katherine. I get why Klaus is mad. She ruined his plans of breaking the curse. These vampires sure know how to hold onto grudges for no good reason.


There’s a clear answer to what Elijah held against Katherine, which is revealed in future episodes, so I’ll point it out then!


Great reaction as always🥰 This show truly has the best acting and music scores. Stefan and Katherine scenes are my favorite, THE TENSION 😍 Caroline is so sweet towards Tyler this episode, and his transformation was horrifying to watch. This show really brings higher expectations when it comes to werewolves and vampires, so much that they seem cheesy in some other shows. The next episode, as well as the rest of the season, is a rollercoaster so buckle up! Cant wait x 💖


I like your reactions but I don’t like that you don’t want damon to get over Elena. That’s his brothers girl.


I disagree, Damon’s a better person bc of the fact that he cares for her. Yes the principle of it all is realistically not moral but this is a vampire show where humanity is a major plot. Even Stefan would rather him be in love with Elena because it means he actually feels something. Better that then reckless no humanity Damon


I would say Tyler's transformation is loosely based on the transformation in the 1981 movie American Werewolf in London. It is quicker in that film but he is in agony and sweating, he complains of his head hurting and his bones break. Some of the camera shots are very similar. Here's the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHyvfOUEK4o great reaction. I'm going to watch the next one now. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x

I Am Not Chamari

I haven't seen anyone else say this, but the reason why Jules wasn't changing at this moment was because it was mentioned a few times that the first transformation is the longest and the most painful. Therefore, Tyler's transformation began before the moon was at its apex, while Jules had a lot more time. That transformation scene still haunts me to this day. And yet, one more time, Damon miscalculates when it comes to Jules - He feels super guilty that he was responsible for Rose getting bit and I think it is something that weighs on him for the rest of the series.

Keith Engel

The one thing about the moonstone situation, as they say, Karma will come back to get you. As Bonnie faked out Daman and them with the device, so the same was done to her later.