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Katrina Petrova







OMG Thank YOU! I just got finished watching the Presidential debate and my head is going to explode... Time to unwind with one of your reactions!

izzy (edited)

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2021-07-19 05:28:45 omg I needed this after watching that joke of the debate
2020-09-30 03:02:36 omg I needed this after watching that joke of the debate

omg I needed this after watching that joke of the debate


Since you asked... the song is Amen Omen by Ben Harper


Amazing episode. Finally, we learn more about Katherine. It becomes clear that she did not become a bitch under the influence of the course of her life, but was so initially. She had no qualms about putting people who trusted her and were willing to help her to death. "Better you die than I" - that's what Katherine is all about. She was always a sly and calculating bitch. Although, in some moments, it is really a pity. When the child was taken from her and when she found her entire family murdered, my heart sank. It's cruel and no one deserves it, not even Katherine. We also see that the absence of Salvators in Elena's life would not have saved her from meeting vampires. It was meant to be her destiny. She was born a descendant of the Petrov family. The originals would have found her anyway to break this curse. Perhaps the presence of the Salvatore brothers was even beneficial. Now Elena is at least a fraction ready for what is happening. Another poignant moment is the conversation and kiss between Damon and rose. Two longing of the soul. Both can't be together with their loved ones. Both sought solace in each other. There was such bitterness and doom in that kiss. There are still some new characters - Luca and his father (I forgot his name). Very strange personalities. I think we already know why they need Bonnie. Sofie, you're finally back! I'm very happy to see you. I wish you good mood and health. Don't be discouraged. I will look forward to the next episode very much.


And why haven't Rose and her friends solved their problem with sunlight yet? She's older than Catherine. Had she never been able to find a witch or someone who could help her make a ring for walking in the sunlight? Even our brothers have already found Bonnie who can do it. And Rose has a lot more connections than the Salvators.

Futuristic Girl

Love this episode!!! One of my faves!! Gives backstory and we see more into Katherine's past and why she faked her death in 1864. I liked when she said living out of suitcase was better than being killed so your blood can be spilled over the silly little rock. It puts season 1 and the few episodes we've seen of season 2 into perspective. Katherine's plan was so strategic. She's so good at scheming because she had to be. That scenes when she gave birth, saw her family dead, and her looking at the drawing of her family made me shed a tear. Imagine being disowned by your family and coming back to see them and they're dead. The last time they talked it most likely wasn't good. One of my fave lines from her was the last thing she said to Stefan, "I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town." He thought he clocked her tea, but she was like nope! You're wrong.

Futuristic Girl

Katherine was the first doppelganger after the original Petrova, so it's like she had to go through all the obstacles because her existence was the first chance of the curse being able to be broken. She didn't even know til right before it happened. That's a lot of pressure. Her turning herself into the vampire was the only way she could've escaped. That's she did it. It makes me think if Katherine was used in the sacrificed like it was planned then Elena wouldn't exist because there would be no need for another doppelganger.

Savannah (edited)

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2021-07-19 05:28:44 Loved your reaction as always! It's just getting better and better!! Here is a youtube video on how they shot this episode with Nina as Katherine and Elena, it's quite fascinating and I love how perfectly shot it is. I rewatched to make sure there's no spoilers and I would stop at 7:23 in case certain clips reveal anything , everything up to that point in the video only talks about up to this episode, and it's specifically about Nina's performance as Katherine vs. Elena so far :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWM34a5SBfw Hope you enjoy, maybe you can react to some behind the scenes/bloopers one day too! <3 Glad you're feeling better x
2020-09-30 04:22:37 Loved your reaction as always! It's just getting better and better!! Here is a youtube video on how they shot this episode with Nina as Katherine and Elena, it's quite fascinating and I love how perfectly shot it is. I rewatched to make sure there's no spoilers and I would stop at 7:23 in case certain clips reveal anything , everything up to that point in the video only talks about up to this episode, and it's specifically about Nina's performance as Katherine vs. Elena so far :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWM34a5SBfw Hope you enjoy, maybe you can react to some behind the scenes/bloopers one day too! <3 Glad you're feeling better x

Loved your reaction as always! It's just getting better and better!! Here is a youtube video on how they shot this episode with Nina as Katherine and Elena, it's quite fascinating and I love how perfectly shot it is. I rewatched to make sure there's no spoilers and I would stop at 7:23 in case certain clips reveal anything , everything up to that point in the video only talks about up to this episode, and it's specifically about Nina's performance as Katherine vs. Elena so far :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWM34a5SBfw Hope you enjoy, maybe you can react to some behind the scenes/bloopers one day too! <3 Glad you're feeling better x

Futuristic Girl

Stefan annoyed me when he was being so aggy about Elena talking to Katherine. She's been through this before. She knows way more than y'all. She knows about Klaus. She knows what Elena is about to go through more than anyone. It would be foolish to not hear her side of the story.


I completely agree with you. I wanted to write about it, but I was afraid of being misunderstood again. I understand that he's afraid that Katherine might hurt Elena, but not listening to her in this situation is really stupid. Katherine knows more about Klaus and his motives than they do. He should have been the first to try to talk to Katherine and find out everything from her, not to convince others that Katherine was just lying. By doing so, he only provokes Elena to find out everything on her own, without seeing support in her boyfriend. But I can understand him - he's afraid that Katherine will mislead Elena, make her draw the wrong conclusions and do something stupid.


I agree too, he was willing to go to Katherine when Elena got kidnapped and he would have if bonnie didn't step in, but now when they need answers more than ever he can't believe the one person who has them. He's tried multiple times to get answers from her himself, but she plays mind games every time so I can sort of see where he's coming from. But I think Elena was the perfect one for her to "open up" to, there's really no reason for her to lie at this point. I absolutely loved Katherine's comeback when Stefan called her a manipulative psychotic bitch, she's always two steps ahead. She's crazy but I love it haha

Futuristic Girl

Yeah, Doppelganger to Doppelganger was the way. I feel like Stefan thinks of Katherine in one way and thinks he has her all figured out, but he's changed so much over 162 and she's been alive over 500 years. They don't know her as well as they think they do.


Exactly, Katherine is definitely misjudged in so many ways, yeah she has done really selfish things, but we only know about her past trauma. She didn't want to be sacrificed, I wouldn't either, so she ran and did what she needed to do to survive. Did she have to use Rose and Trevor? No definitely not. But it was necessary for her survival. I think Klaus killing her entire family only heightened her selfish tendencies. Some can say it doesn't excuse the things she's done, but to be fair I think a lot of people would have made the same decisions in her position. As a vampire who can turn off their emotions, with a desire to live you will do what you need to do for yourself and no one else. I thought It was pretty smart that she managed to get Rose to turn her, since Klaus needed a human doppelganger, even though she'd have to keep running. Stefan only knew her in 1864, ONE YEAR. Not before she turned or even after she turned him. He was in love with her but has no idea who she truly is

Futuristic Girl

This right here! Elena has a reference point: Katherine. She went through the same thing. Katherine didn't. She had to figure it out along the way. A lot of people including them would've made some of the same choices. I've been saying this for so long. Stefan knew her for one year. He doesn't know her in totality.


You need more than a witch, you also need lapis lazuli stone in the form of a ring, necklace or bracelet of sorts. You can't just put a spell on any ring and make it a daylight ring. I believe lapis lazuli is rare so that's why a lot of the other vamps through out the show can't do sun, including Lexi and Rose. Although they found one for Caroline fairly quickly, it might've been the only spare they had.


Witches also don't like vampires in this universe so a lot are very reluctant to make them rings


This is all clear. But Rose isn't just a new vampire. She lives even longer than Katherine. She must have a lot of connections with the right people. Rose is quite friendly. She could have gotten along with a witch. Well, or influence it in other ways. Bonnie (the new witch) quickly found the right stone and made a spell for Caroline (the new vampire). Even if this stone is rare, it was possible to find something in 500 years. Well, either our company always extremely lucky. But this is just my nagging and my boredom. Don't take it seriously.


Oh yeah, I agree that Stefan was acting over protective which is annoying cause the best course of action was to find out the truth about why Elena is in danger and Katherine is the only way to get those answers. Elena did a great job getting those answers from her. The way I see it is Stefan's feelings towards Katherine sometimes blinds him. And by feelings I mean that he wants to hate her but I feel like deep down he can't. He is still trying to come to terms with the fact that he did love her once and that it was not all compulsion but at the same time she did compel him throughout their relationship and it pains me to say this but she did abuse him, taking away his will to choose if he wanted to stay with him or not. So coming one survivor to another I understand Stefan’s hesitation and fear to trust Katherine. Let’s remember that he even died trying to save Katherine and the woman did force feed him blood which led to him becoming a vampire, something he hates. So from Stefan’s perspective Katherine is never to be trusted and he worried that Katherine would find a way to get to Elena and get her out of the tomb. He needs to trust that Elena is smart enough to not fall for her manipulations though because they don’t really have a plan b or another way to learn the truth. Also if you look at the last scene between him and Elena, I think Stefan wanted to keep Elena from feeling that amount of guilt and pain. He is always trying to keep her from that and you can’t and he needs to understand that he can’t protect her from everything. I just want to shake him sometimes lol. I love Katherine this episode though because it showed so many layers of her character and Nina is just amazing at playing both roles in all of those scenes.


The resurrection ring only protects humans from a supernatural death.it doesn't work on vampires.. Elijah's ring is a normal daylight ring


I wasn’t talking about the resurrection ring. I was talking about him wearing a daylight ring. And thought maybe if they cut of his fingers the sun will kill him


If his stake (or rather hanger😁) in the heart did not kill... Although, an interesting version. I wonder if vampires grow back severed body parts. 😂


I agree, but I don't think Rose's connections go as far as you think. All we know is that she was friends with Slater, Trevor, and even Lexi back in the day (who also didn't have a ring). She's been on the run the last 500 years so it's possible she never met a witch willing to make her one. We don't really know what she was up to during those years, or what area she was in. And yeah we know she's a nice vampire but a random witch might not believe that. I don't believe any witches would want to help a vampire who's running from Klaus, if that was known information. If word got out that a witch made Rose and Trevor daylight rings, he would track down the witch, kill her and her whole family, and then get on track to their whereabouts. So maybe avoiding witches was a way to cover their tracks. Slater's connections were only through Craiglist in order to find the originals, so that Rose and Trevor could make a deal with Elijah. So it's probably harder to find a ring or a willing witch through craigslist. If this were real life it'd probably be easy as hell but this is the only explanation I could come up for this. Slater was smart but I guess not smart enough for that , so they settled for vampire cafe instead LMAO


I think you're right. Our vampires were smarter.😂😂 They found an aspiring witch to recruit for them and their needs. Personal witch. She will stamp rings like an automaton. You just need to get the right stone.😂😂😂 Sorry, I'm just kidding.


Katherine probably threatened a witch to make her one or another witch could have owed her a favor at some point. She will manipulate to get what she wants, Rose on the other hand probably just thought running and hiding in the shadows would be better


And yeah our vamps are a lot smarter, a personal witch in your back pocket really comes in handy LOL


"a personal witch in your back pocket really comes in handy" - yes 👍🤣🤣 Of course, Katherine had threatened the witch. It was obvious. They made a deal, and they clearly didn't follow Lucy's wishes.


Was Lucy the one who made her daylight bracelet? Or was it Emily from 1864? Cause she was walking in the daylight even back then. I always assumed it was Emily or some random witch we never met


Yes, I'd forgotten about Emily. My brain died after a day's work. Katherine will always find a way to influence a person. Emily is no exception.


Once your done this season you should watch the behind the scenes of season 2! They show how they film the scenes with Katherine and Elena and it is really cool and shows how amazing of an actress Nina is!


You spot one of the reasons why I love this show so much. No characters are black and white, nobody is entirely bad of good, and the writers give you motivations for their actions that are perfectly relatable and psychologically grounded. I told you, Katherine plan was not possible to guess. She turned Caroline, manipulate Mason and everybody else to have a werewolf, she got the moonstone, the doppelganger and the witch, to be the one with the power of negotiation. She never came back for any of the Salvatore brothers! Katherine is a great character, selfish, intelligent, a true survivor and as any true survivor she learn fast how to look out for herself, how to manipulate men, specially, how to be two step ahead to everybody because of Klaus....apparently Klaus is coming... But he was supposed to come, before or after anyway. Elena is a doppelganger and would have find her, at list now she has the Salvatore brothers on her side and she know what is coming, imagine if they never show up, she would have being totally oblivious. Elijah breaking the glass with loose change scene was fantastic!! Damon and Rose, there, it’s the foundation of a potential great romance, both vampire, both intelligent and attractive, both vulnerable and both with a broken lives, they have so much in common, and she is strong woman the kind Damon likes. He is trying to move on from Elena, and Rose come into his life at right moment and she might be just what he needed. Stefan denial is startling. I understand that he is trying not to scare Elena more than necessary, but that is not a situation that can be taken lightly. Probably the oldest vampire in history is coming to get Elena, not a good time to be in denial and not consider it as a real possibility. “I’ll be the safest psychotic bitch in town” is such a great line! By the way the soundtrack of this show is just awesome! So many songs that are just so perfect for the scenes and that will be linked with this show forever. You hear a certain song and immediately will bring you back to a certain scene. As usual Sofie you are just the best!!


By the way I'm glad you feel better. Stay safe.

Andrea Dcosta

Lovely reaction like always!! One of my favourite episodes for sure. Katherine Pierce owned this episode with her lines the back story everything. The scene with Damon and Rose is also my fav love them together it was sexy. I just lovee it when Stefan tells Caroline that she reminds him of Lexi 🤩 a lot revealed in this episode I’m so excited to watch season 2 with you it’s gonna be awesome. But I must say Sofie that Beanie looked so cute on you loved it. You should keep wearing that while reacting looks super cute on you 🤗 Hope you’re feeling better can’t wait for the next one. Take care l!!


@Mariya Maybe the body parts reunite. If a hand was chopped off, it would crawl back to it's owner. 😂


Glad that you are feeling better. Considering the actor who plays Jeremy, I'm not surprised he's hot. He has pretty good genes in that department. His grandfather wasn't too bad. Katherine was 17 when she had her daughter and 19 when she turned. Because she was kicked out of Bulgaria, she had to learn how to survive, and that was the part of her which was heightened when she became a vampire. Great reaction. Looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


@Mandzipop Great idea. Hand with built - in GPS. iHand-will find its owner if they lose it. 🤣 But seriously, we see that vampires heal from any lucrative injury. Cutting off a hand is also a kind of stab wound. So, logically, the severed hand should regenerate 😂 I've watched this series so many times and never thought about it

Andrea Dcosta

Heyy Sofie hope you’re feeling better now. Can’t wait to see your next reaction 🤗

I Am Not Chamari

Damon and Rose has some great potential. The way he treated her this episode - covering her from the sunlight, carrying her out, it all seemed very sweet and nice. I thought a romance might brew between them but was surprised by how quickly it happened.

Keith Engel

If you have any question about a song playing in any show, there is a site called Tunefind that will list all music played during a scene. Just put in the show name and then choose a season and episode, and it will then have small description of scene with song title and artist. Very helpful.