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OK I cried 😭

Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16qkrKks3ujv3O4e8ibX1XugdZI2wCwbH/view?usp=sharing

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PXe3pj-QAx7TcebiAdeCnuOqPQ_W2hlZ/view?usp=sharing

Part3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EJ4Z2O-qyDhXL1zCYImq9rA9zDN-jwvV/view?usp=sharing



Jasmine Reigns

Lol I keep repeating the “what the shit is this” part 😂💀 because I say this all the time. But man this episode gave sooooo many insight on what’s to come. From Caroline & Tyler friendship , to Klaus . This episode was laid out so perfectly to have you wondering what’s gonna happen next and boy is it a treat. Love the reaction as always ❤️


LOVE your reaction and confusion 😂💖All will be revealed eventually and will make more sense. I love how you don’t read the episode titles or know any spoilers about this series, it makes your reaction to the mythology and history of vampires so much better. It’s also great watching you try to piece everything together like I tried when I first watched. The next episode is also a memorable one and will answer some of your questions. This episode is, what most say, the true beginning of this show, and it’s only crazier from here! Cant wait for next time 🙏🏽✨


Elijah!!!! I love Elijah! Caroline and Damon look like a married couple at the beginning of the episode. 😁 😁 Caroline is so free to gather with Damon at home, telling him what she knows about Tyler. Although, it is noticeable that she is still afraid of him. From about this point on, I get a little annoyed with Stefan (I love him, of course, but still...). I absolutely don't like the scene in the car. Stefan knows Damon's feelings very well. And I got the impression that he was deliberately trying to hurt him. He had spoken haughtily about Elena once, seeing that if Damon was not hurt, but definitely not happy. And in the house, when Damon "killed" Elijah, it was obvious that Elena was going to hug Damon. She was the one who told Damon to let Rose go, and she was looking right at him. And Stefan popped up from the side at the last moment. But for the conversation at home, after saving Elena, I respect Stefan. I like your suggestion that Elena is also supernatural. You very often hit the nail on the head with your opinion. This season, Katherine's real name is often pronounced - Katerina Petrova. since I'm from Russia, it's quite funny to hear the Slavic name from the lips of the characters of this show. Everyone pronounces it with different accents. Best of all, in my opinion, said it Damon in episode 3. But still with an accent. It's very cute and funny. 😁 😊😊 One of the most epic scenes of the show is the scene of Damon's Declaration of love to Elena. I cried with you, even though I've seen this scene a million times. 😭 Why does Damon have to be in pain all the time? I have heard that a kiss on the lips is a passion, and a kiss on the forehead means that the person he is kissing is really dear to him and he is afraid of losing it. I don't know if the writers had this sign in mind when they shot this scene, but it turned out beautifully. Once again, I wonder why Elena doesn't drink vervain. 😡After all, this necklace is so easy to tear off from your neck, as well as a ring from your finger! Stefan gave it to her when Elena didn't know anything about vampires and he couldn't explain why vervain was needed. But now she knows everything. This is very unsafe. The real TVD are finally starting. Klaus, the originals, the doppelgangers, and the curse all seem very confusing right now. But gradually everything will open up and become clear. This is going to be amazing. 🤩Moreover, about the doppelgangers will be told up to season 5. Sofie, I really like your thoughts and suggestions about the show. Many things are true. Keep it up. I will wait for the next episode! ❤❤


Besides, if Elena had been drinking vervain, she would not have forgotten such a declaration of love.😂😂😂

Heather Hollenbeck

I've never been a delena shipper, but I still love that scene in Elena's bedroom. It's so beautiful, and it really showcases Damon's character development.


I typically don't write comments cause I get anxious but I just really want to point out something regarding your comment about Stefan and how you thought he was deliberately trying to hurt Damon. Stefan knows that Damon loves Elena and he knows that this will cause a riff between them unless they can actually communicate and talk about it. Ignoring it is not doing anyone any good, especially when Elena is in danger all the time and since they are going to face someone who is old and he doesn’t know if he's even coming out of that mess alive then he feels it is a good opportunity to have this all in the open. Actually Stefan is being pretty mature about the whole situation, wanting to talk about it with Damon instead of throwing punches, especially after learning that Damon thought he had kissed his girlfriend. And the hug thing? I think that scene is mostly done through Damon’s perspective and that's why we feel for him because he thought she was going to hug him. Stefan was already at the bottom of the stairs but the way it is shown it looks like he just pops out of nowhere. But why would he not come to hug her though? This is his girlfriend? It's not like he was trying to block his brother. I get that it's frustrating if you ship Delena but Stefan is not doing this to hurt Damon. I’m glad that Damon finally admitted it though because it is a huge weight to be carrying around.


Elijah is here finally!!This is where vampire diaries truly starts.. the introduction to the originals...from here to season 4 finale..it's a hell of a ride


You also need to react to "The originals" show after vampire diaries...it's a spin-off and it's really brilliant!

Futuristic Girl

This is a really good episode!! The next episode is my fave!!! It really explains the central part of why everything happened the way it did so far.


please react to the originals when you get into season 4 of the vampire diaries. If you react to it while the vampire diaries, the timeline and storyline will add up and thats how we were watching them both, the originals aired during season 4 of the vampire diaries

Futuristic Girl

Sofie be catching on so quick. It's cool to see.


This episode is a mile stone. So many things were introduced. Elijah, the Originals are the old world says Rose (new character) he calls Katherine with her original name, Katerina Petrova. We know now another piece of the puzzle, Elena is key to break the curse, and your guessing are so spot on.... Stefan a Damon on a road trip....and something new was mentioned... Stefan past... Bonnie can do many great spells but she has limitations, because witches otherwise would be too powerful. And then the scenes I loved, Jeremy hugging and kissing Elena when she came back from been kidnaped was so heartfelt. And that the last part.....Stefan oh boy!! It took him 150 years to apologize to his brother. Why now? Because he realized that without Damon he cannot possibly protect Elena alone, he needs him. So does it sound to you a sincere apology, done with the sole purpose of truly apologize?.....mmmm.....Anyway Damon took it as gesture of affection, and wanted to repay his brother. Notice as HE searched for her neckless, he goes to her room, tell her he loves her and he doesn't deserve her , but his brother does.....(while the song is playing " I was wrooooong...I was wrooooong" ...well...), then kisses on her forehead and make her forget while crying tears of desperation. Damon doesn't want anybody to know how fragile he is, he wanted to get it out of his chest, he is convinced he is unworthy of love and after closing the character with Katherine, he is trying to move on here too. This scene is so poetic and hearth breaking, I cried too and I still do every time I see it. I feel like Damon is not a bad guy, he was told he isn't worthy by his father, by his brother, by Katherine that used him, bad reputation does a number on you as it does living a life unloved, and he acts accordingly but than he has this magnificent acts of total selflessness, like the one when he told Elena his brother needed to drink people blood, or what he did for Liz, or now in Elena bedroom...so who is Damon really? There is a beautiful song by the Who that fits Damon like a glove.... I love this version... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IEQpfA528M I don't know if is a total fortuity or if the writers knowing the song got inspired while writing about Damon character, still...describes Damon so poignantly. Sofie your reactions are so great and you are so on point with your guessing, brilliant! 👏👏👏

Sade L.

That man was dead dead wasn’t he!?! 😂 it’s about to get good 😩

Andrea Dcosta

Amazing reaction. You’re my favourite reactor hands down thank you for understanding Damon’s character so well your points make so much sense love hearing your thoughts. It’s not only you I always cry in that last scene it’s so so sweet and with that music it’s so beautiful. I love this episode soo much. Can’t wait for the next one already!!


That 1 Delena scene at the end gives me more feels than all of Stefans and Elenas scenes in the show combined. Im pretty sure it was this scene where I started rooting for Delena and I never stopped.


Trevor, the sweetest kidnapper in the world. RIP, it was nice knowing you. Ian had walking pneumonia during S2 and I suspect this is around the time it started. At some point Paul injured his ankle and was on crutches. Nina also put her back out. It was an injury/illness hit season for the cast. Your face was interesting when Damon mentioned Stefan's past and him ripping people apart. Most reactors don't pick up on that comment. You've seen Stefan go off the rails a little, but he didn't rip anyone to pieces. That Delena moment was beautiful. He acknowledged he wasn't good enough for Elena. It was so sweet. It shows a lot of growth on Damon's part. Elijah is an Original, it takes a bit more than a wooden stake to get rid of an Original. As you said earlier, it was too easy. This is really the start of the show, although everything that happened before ties into what happens going forward. Great reaction. Looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x


Patpet thank you for the song suggestion, you're very right.


it is so weird . I've tried so many time to post my comment it wouldn't stick got deleted...now 3 of them appear from nowhere. And it looks like is not well paged, goes over the border....😒 Does any of you have my same problem?


I can only see one comment and the formatting is fine. I'm reading it on a full pc, not a tablet, laptop or phone.

I Am Not Chamari

Such an amazing episode! And yeah, Elena couldn't be on vervain because Stefan is drinking from her. I don't know if there is another reason, probably that it's just more convenient for the plot lol Again, one of my all-time favorite scenes is the Damon/Elena scene. Brilliantly acted and executed.