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Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11oRzALTufRbB-pHLJJ8K9hcU7NZ2OKL9/view?usp=sharing



Futuristic Girl

This episode showed why I don't like the Lockwoods. It's all George Lockwood's fault. He's the one who used the vampires to cover his tracks. No one in mystic falls really know about werewolves. That's why the Lockwoods get to be the head of the council. The vampires get all the heat. Mason really pissed me off when he snitched on Stefan and Damon. Like...he's an op. He out here not doing what Katherine told him to do. Katherine should've been spying making sure he wouldn't mess anything up. I love when Stefan made it clear that he's the one who should watch his back. Love that scene. I knew that fake fighting thing was going to go downhill. The moral of the story is Katherine is a master at scheming and the Lockwoods suck.

Futuristic Girl

The next episode is really good!!!!

Futuristic Girl

Katherine's plan will become clear soon enough.

Andrea Dcosta

Yeah buh All my fav episodes start from the 7th episode and then episode 8 ending you know why 😁


Tyler. His aggression is his wolf inside pushing him to kill, that's why for that split second he felt that way and that is why for them to cause someone death is less unlikely then it is for any common human. Katherine is a puppet master, manipulation is her second name. She compelled Manson's friend to attack him, to kill him. It is obvious now that she is up to something, but what it is, only she knows. Caroline, have I said that already, she is wonderful, the scene in the wood is fantastic, she is such a badass and for a newby vampire she is as strong as hell and it is all will power. Damon started to have friends, people to life for, to feel for, his shell is cracking and the real Damon starts to show, he plays though guy and uses humor as a shield of deflection, but when he opens up and show who he really is, his human side is magnificent and very tender. He would never let Elena think bad of his brother and he would never let Liz think bad of her daughter and that is the human Damon showing through the cracks of the thick wall he created around himself as a protection from hurting and from the dark vampire side of him. Stefan and Elena scene I though it was the most romantic scene they had so far and you are right, by she been with him and giving her blood, it will prevent him to get out of control. Next episodes one after the others are soooo good, can't wait for you to see them. Fab reaction Sofie as usual you are so perceptive.

Jasmine Reigns

It’s always been the “Hi Mom” for me this episode. Candice really knows how to get me man , the breaking in her voice when she’s sad is impeccable🥺 This season really made me fall in love with Caroline , we must protect my child at all cost 😫❤️


By the way the two "brothers" Ian and Paul with the launch today of their bourbon pictures "Brothers's Bond" broke the internet, the photo when viral in 10 minutes...the Salvatore Brothers' power, still so utterly gorgeous!!😁

Andrea Dcosta

Amazing reaction like always!! I love Caroline so much she has grown on me tremendously over time. She was a star this episode. The Stelena scene was so romantic and cute and with that music soo good 🤩 I loved the way Damon told Elena about Stefan not having the ppl blood and then Elena’s response to him that took my heart away. She brings out the humanity in him and he is slowly starting to show it. Can’t wait for the next one!


I felt like the reason Caroline was being rude to her mom was basically the same thing she did with Matt in 2x3 when she started an argument with him to get him to break up with her. I think she is being rude like that because she's trying to push her away to make sure her mom doesn't find out she's a vampire.


Caroline has always been closer to her dad, plus Liz is always working, so Caroline can get away with pulling off the moody teenager. Liz is a vampire hunter, therefore Caroline needed to keep her mum kept in the dark as long as possible. Caroline was badass in this episode. She's taken vampirism and instead of being negative, she's using it positively. I love how she's grown so much since we first met her. There is at least one hint in S1 about Caroline becoming a vampire. The way we find out how someone becomes a vampire is when Damon explains it to Caroline. “You'd have to feed on my blood, then die, then feed on a human's, it's a whole ordeal.” Caroline was turned by Damon's blood. Damon explaining the mythology to Caroline, was how come she knew what she was when she turned and how she was able to deal with it. She knew it was possible to feed on someone without killing them, because Damon didn't kill her. Logan threatened to turn her into a vampire, which is the same episode where they give us the first clue to Tyler being a werewolf. Caroline found out about vampires before Elena. I'm sure they had it planned quite early on. What this episode also shows is that Damon does genuinely care about Liz and views her as a friend. Its useful to have her as an ally, and that was possibly his original reason for striking up a friendship with her, but he has grown to really care about her. I'm not sure if Damon actually likes Caroline that much, but he has more respect for her and can see she is not the same girl he first met. Damon doesn't like weak-willed, shallow people, which was exactly what Caroline's character was like when we first met her. This and his affection for Liz is why he wanted to make sure Liz understood Caroline was the same person. Despite not liking Caroline much, I do think he cares about her to a degree. Despite her hatred for vampires, Liz is my second favourite character. Stefan needs to learn control. Avoidance is dangerous. One small mistake and he could lose control. So there has to be a way, and if it means him just drinking a few drops of Elena's blood every day, it is a smart move. Damon did good things in this episode for the right reasons and not to impress Elena. That was the Damon who Elena needed to see to be able to forgive him. It makes sense that Katherine was behind Mason, they arrived at almost the same time. Mason killed Jimmy before Elena met Stefan. So whatever Katherine is up to, she has been planning it for a long time. Her moves include ensuring the tomb vampires die. She faked her own death and gave George Lockwood the moonstone. She had possibly even planned back then a way to recover it if she needed it again. If she was following Stefan, she might have checked up on Damon to see what he was up to and if he was going to try and open the tomb. By doing that, he would have revealed she wasn't there. Also, Katherine was the one who made sure Mason triggered his curse. Clearly she needed him to do that for some reason. Maybe she had told both George and Mason that the moonstone would stop them from turning. Turning isn't a pleasant experience, so it would not be hard to persuade them to want the moonstone. I can't seen any other reason for Mason wanting the moonstone, so she had to make him trigger it so she could get it back. That is an assumption based on the episodes we have seen, there is no spoiler in there whatsoever. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


The plot gets so much interesting...why Katherine came back,why she triggered Mason's curse,why she turned Caroline and why she wanted the moonstone...it's all revealed in ep 9.. this plot gets so much interesting