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The part 2 video is still processing so it can take a little bit of time before you can see it.


 Part1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HbslTnDCk3oD8uOW3Cdudb_X7lPmpXsF/view?usp=sharing 

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Idb_yJCMQAtsWPpWiGy6t58eo3ayrrGk/view?usp=sharing




Is it just me or is the footage in your video a little bit more zoomed in?

Futuristic Girl

Straight out the gate, SoFie hates Isobel. LOLLLL

Jasmine Reigns

Lol I love how much you hate Isobel cause Girl Same 😂💀 how soon will we get the finale reaction? I’m so excited

Futuristic Girl

There is a reason for Katherine wanting the tomb vampires dead.

Futuristic Girl

I'm kinda indifferent towards Isobel cuz I get the role she was trying to play.


When Damon came to town first he was still hurt and very pissed off with his brother and wouldn't wanted to give him the satisfaction to see any vulnerability in him, plus he didn't care for anybody there, he didn't know anybody yet, and for him as a vampire anybody you don't know is potentially food, he had a plan and waited for 145 years to see it through and surely he wanted to get done to all costs. By the way this show is terrible you get distracted for a second and you miss something 😂...part 2, 6.40, Damon gives the invention to Elena, put it on her hands and squeeze her fingers and Stefan sees it. Stefan is not stupid, he can tell there is something going on between Damon and Elena, even Isobel got it, and yes Damon didn't denied it, even if after with Stefan he sort of said it's just friendship. The scene with Damon and Isobel is formidable, and kind of hot, I know the character is Elena mother but he slept with her in the past anyway before knowing who she was, and Damon is very sexual and uses sex to his advantage, in this case to put Isobel in her place, Stefan to treat people uses his beautiful stone cold face, Damon uses his sex appeal. This episode is a Damon episode Alaric told him he see humanity in him, Isobel said he is in love with Elena, Bonnie cruel banter him and Stefan told him off...😂. John is Elena's father, I know we all though the same, they could have chosen an actor that has some resemblance with her, but probably it wouldn't have been such a shock if we got any kind of suspect, before the reveal and the actor is really good at being hateful. By the way since you mentioned yes Paul and Ian eyes are spectacular thick eyebrow and very lush lashes, deep green Paul and baby blue Ian, Paul with those puppy eyes and Ian with that smoldering look, (Nina renamed him Smolderhalder 😁) what they are capable to convey with their eyes, it is a show in itself. Anyway I can't wait for your brilliant reactions on the season finale episode and the opening episode of season 2.


It is true, Paul and Ian have beautiful eyes with thick eye brows, incredibly lush lashes for a man, Paul's are deep green and Ian's are baby blue, Paul has that sad puppy eyes and Ian has that smoldering look, what they can convey with their eyes is a show in itself. The scene with Damon and Isobel is phenomenal, and kind of hot, I know she is Elena's biological mother, but not much of a mother and they l slept together anyway before he knew who she was, so they are bound to be intimate, and Damon plays that to his advantage, Stefan threaten people with his beautiful stone cold face to close distance, Damon use sex appeal to put people in their places. Damon kisses after Damon dancing is another favorite thing. This episode is people saying things to Damon, Alaric telling him he can see humanity in him, Isobel saying he is in love with Elena, (and him not denying it....and Stefan knows....yep.....OMG), Bonnie cruel bantering him, and Stefan telling him off.....😂. Damon at the beginning was still very mad with his brother and wouldn't give him the satisfaction to show him any kind of vulnerability, also he had a mission and to do it he waited 145 years and surely didn't wanted to have his brother or anybody else in the way to see his plan through. Also not knowing people and not caring for anybody meant to him, wild lonely vampire that they were only potential food. By the way this show is terrible, you get distracted a second and you miss something😂 Second part...6.40 ...Damon put the invention in Elena's hands and squeeze her fingers and Stefan sees it. Isobel has her own agenda as John does and Katherine too. Next two episodes.... I cannot wait to see your fab reactions.


I didn't like Isobel at this point on my first watch. I did find her intriguing, especially her motivations. They were confusing, especially at the end of the episode. She knows better than anyone what can happen when you become entangled with vampires. She may not have been in Elena's life, but it appears she has kept in touch with John over the years. Which means she has been able to follow Elena growing up from a distance. She had Elena when she was 16 and may not have had the support of her parents. She may not have been left with any choice but to give her up. She left Elena in the care of Elena's father who was assisted by his family. Isobel may have wanted to be part of Elena's life, but clearly something happened in the meantime to make her want to become a vampire instead. Miranda was going to tell Elena and as John knew Isobel, it was highly likely that she and Elena would meet. Why would she give that up to be a vampire? Or did she simply not care at all? Her conversation with John at the end suggests Isobel does love Elena, even now. The humanity switch is significant in this show. Did Damon have it on at the start? Just because he wanted to release Katherine doesn't mean it was on. Just because the switch is off, doesn't mean they forget about their goals. They know that at some point they will care again. I suspect it has been teetering between on and off for most of the season. I also don't think Damon was totally aware that he had fallen in love with Elena. Great reaction, can't wait for the season finale. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


Hi, Sofie! I thought I would never wait for this episode again😆. It was very exciting and dynamic. I'm not sure about Isobel's feelings. On the one hand, she tries to show concern for Elena, saying that she does not want such a life for her. On the other hand, she is willing to kill and maim Elena's loved ones (of course, after that, Elena's life will become much better) for the sake of her goal. I think everything she did in this episode was for a purpose. Her words to John about Elena were only meant to strengthen his resolve to use the compass. And what Isobel did at the end with Alaric. Yes, it might be a noble thing to do. But on the other hand, she gets rid of another Stalker. After all, now, Alaric would stop looking for her and interfering with her plans. Her words about Damon's love for Elena were a little shocking. I expected this, but I did not think that it would happen in this situation. Also, I don't think Damon has formulated for himself how he feels about Elena. Yes, we see the attraction between them both physically and emotionally. Even Stefan doesn't deny it. Did you see the look in his eyes when Damon stroked Elena's hand while passing the compass? He was not at all surprised. Nor was I surprised by Isobel's words. Scene with Isobel and Damon. How hot it was. That kiss, and then the threatening whisper. Ugh! 🔥🔥🔥I like that Damon has a different approach to everyone. He knows when, who, and how to threaten. Damon also admits that he not only cares about Elena, but also about the city and the people he cares about. I'm loving it. Even Alaric, who should hate him, recognized his humanity. Sofie, don't be gone too long. I'm really looking forward to the next episodes. Thank you! Hug.💕


P. S. By the way, Damon knows a lot about students ' excuses for being late. "Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh...never mind." 😂😂It's so funny. Apparently, he talked a lot with student girls. 😉

james hghg

unpopular opinion but i honestly believe john is one of the best characters, he is very clear with his motives, he doesn't have the tip affect some characters have where they are "this" then "that" then back to "this" again. he pushes the story forward and never really faults from what makes him, him.

Futuristic Girl

He isn't clear with his motives. He hid the fact that he planned to take down Stefan and Damon with the rest of the tomb vampires. He's been lying to Elena this whole time. He's not anywhere near one of the best characters.


Btw you should react to Lucifer, also a great show...

james hghg

Notice how i made sure people knew it was my opinion and not a straight statement perceived to be as fact like you did with your last sentence. i think you misunderstand what a character means, im talking about him as a character not what his character does with other characters because that is pretty irrelevant, at his core his motives and beliefs are very clear.

Dennis Bryant

I can see your point. He has a set to his personality that he just won't bend on. It can be admirable, and he really does show that he believes that all vampires are evil and need to be gone. The interesting thing, he believes that, yet is willing to work with some to destroy others, probably planning something later to get rid of them also.... He is a well written character, although for my opinion, not my favorite, and maybe a bit too one-note to be highly ranked for me.


I think, for what it’s worth, people keep humanizing vampires. All the lore suggests that you die and a demon pops in the empty shell. Ok well first up it doesn’t make sense that all demons are flat out evil. Some level 4 general isn’t going to waste his time, he’d pass it off to the newbie Fred. There is this thing that the type of demon that inhabits a human is based on that human’s predilection for the demon’s type of evil. Demons want to trick the dead human into accepting a demon that can strengthen their natural predilection for evil, and give the demon the best chance to wreak havoc. In some cases you have to think that if the ‘resurrected’ human and the demon co inhabited the same body; then wouldn’t it depend on the willpower of the human part to resist the demon? It’s like a possession. I think that’s what Damon means when he says you can turn off the humanity. He says it’s easy to turn it off. Isobel did, whatever feelings she may have had for humans are pretty much gone unless you see very temporary glimpses. You’re not seeing Isobel, you’re seeing a demon with Isobel buried under or inside it. Stefan is always brooding because I think he’s always fighting the urge to give in. I don’t think the human part of vampires turn off love. Love is the least rational emotion and probably the hardest for a demon to pervert. I heard a Franciscan Friar say the the Devil was a trickster, a liar. The hardest thing to mess up would be two humans being in love. So yes I think the demon could control a lot except some degree of love. I can’t look at it and see characters with continuous experiences from young to old. I think there is a person who grows up to have a particular character and is turned. A demon jumps in and now you get a very twisted version of that person.. So I don’t see humans. I see demons fighting to live with humans while preying on them, and also fighting other demons who would expose them. I mean if you’re a demon what’s your top priority? Evil of some sort, and you can’t do that if you’ve been vanished. Every vampire in the series seems to be an exaggerated version of the human they might have been at the time they lived. Stefan is totally lost but fighting. Damon is cocky and does enough badness to keep the demon pacified. They are about 150. Isobel was turned 2 years ago. Her morals were obviously off base so one seriously homicidal demon took up residence. The interesting one to find someone that is very weak of character and gets a really nasty demon. We’ve all seen this type. Won’t commit. Lies. Doesn’t really try and they get one of the professional demons. Net net. Vamps aren’t human so I do not think you can humanize their reactions. Take the human part you see and shift it 5 points towards evil. My 2 cents.

Josh Lomax

You need to read up on your vampire lore, because in no lore does it suggest that a literal demon takes over the corpse. Vampires are described as demonic, which just means that they resemble demons., or revenants of already evil beings (suicide victims, witches, etc.) Even so, Vampires in shows and movies, like TVD, Twilight, etc., are not based off of any known lore. They create their own lore, while borrowing or disregarding certain aspects of well known lore (wood, mirrors, garlic, holy water, etc.). In TVD, Vampires are very much human, as far as emotions go, though they can turn off their emotions, including love, which has been showcased like 10 different times throughout the show