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This episode was intense as heck




The reason Damon didn't even attempt to compel Bonnie is because he knew who she was and witches can't be compelled. I agree with you on Stefan's reaction to Lexi's death. She did mention they only saw each other on his birthday, so despite being best friends, they might not have been together much. That way it is harder to miss someone, and missing someone is the biggest part of grief. Either that or Stefan isn't overly emotional in that way. Damon truly loved/loves Katherine, and everything was for love. When Vicki became a vampire she remembered all of her compulsion, so when Damon turned he would have known if Katherine had compelled him. The compulsion is all down to what Damon has compelled Caroline to remember. He's been careful with the things he's compelled her. She's not scared of him and he's compelled her to do what he says. I think she only remembers he's a vampire while in his presence and nobody else is around. To be honest, we never find out the exact details of all of his compulsion over Caroline. You have to try and work it out from her behaviour. Great reaction. Take care, stay safe, stay healthy. x


did they say that a witch can't be compelled if they did I totally missed that. For Stefan's reaction to Lexi's death I think it has to do with the fact that he's been around for 100 years I am sure he saw many people who he cares about die. so for now it comes natural for him


You saw what Emily did when she sent Damon flying through the trees, vampires can't get close enough to witches to compel them. The necklace shocked Damon. Emily was protecting Bonnie, so who knew what it would have done if Damon had tried to compel her. Damon knows how powerful Bennett witches are, he's not going to risk the wrath of one. He didn't know how powerful Bonnie was. I answered the question knowing how far ahead you were. I can't remember if it is stated that it is physically impossible to compel a witch, because the problem with that is even if a witch says you can't compel me, it's not clear whether it is because they are resistant to compulsion or whether it is because of what Emily showed. Bonnie can set fires with her mind and no vampire wants to be set on fire. It would ruin their clothes and their hair. 😉 The spell Emily shouted was Incendia, which is the fire spell. Damon caught Bonnie off guard when he attacked her as she had no idea where she was. If she was fully aware of her surroundings, Damon wouldn't have tried to do that.

Ron Taylor

Today’s Lesson: never do a seance, and definitely not Ouija without a real medium who knows what they are doing. Never say the name of a demon, even in jest, never try astral projection, and if you feel cold spots in the house, bad smells or loud noises like banging find someone who knows about this stuff to get rid of it. My best mates mum is a medium, she does a lot of readings in the house. I was sleeping over one night, sharing my mates room. I don’t know what time it was... I woke up because it was so cold, and after maybe 10 seconds a grey man in a coat and hat walked through one wall, across the room and through the opposite one. I’m thinking errr what? Just then my mate said. Hey.. Ron did you see that? We talked about it. We both saw exactly the same thing. Sorry not about the episode... but this stuff is real. 🤔

I Am Not Chamari

"Emily, you there?" will forever SEND me lmao Also, the Damon and Stefan interactions were very interesting this episode, especially considering that Damon just murdered his best friend.

I Am Not Chamari

And looking back on this episode, Elena just saw Stefan save her best friend's life - and we have already seen her be back and forth since episode 6... so it didn't surprise me much. She knows she can be with Stefan because Stefan will always protect her and the people she loves - or at least, that's how I saw that moment.