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While pursuing an assassin, Obi Wan uncovers a sinister plot to destroy the Republic. With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, the Jedi must defend the galaxy against the evil Sith.

Link to the reaction

Part 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hutm028a4za5qbqc8kq5j/Attack-of-the-clones-1.mp4?rlkey=1nxxx2cc90h0m2yo9z0fv3jpz&dl=0

Part 2 : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1005u2m50iw5nfe66cnpk/Attack-of-the-clones-2.mp4?rlkey=e4ysqdy2jwe0cfeeskf4ja83q&dl=0



Anjali Agarwal

Sofie, when you say Qui Gon would have been a better master to Anakin versus Obi Wan, that isn't true. Anakin's issue is that he has always allowed his rage and anger to consume him. No amount of training would prevent that from happening... w/o giving anything away, you'll understand this more in the next installment. And regarding Obi-Wan, he is considered to be one of the greatest Jedi (if not the greatest) amongst Star Wars fans. I highly recommend you watch the 'Obi Wan Kenobi' series (starring the same actors - Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen) after the next movie. It's a great follow-up to the story of him and Anakin.

Kevin Karst

"A great follow-up"? I mean, that's your opinion, but most people hate the Kenobi series, so I definitely wouldn't recommend it.

Sean Stuart

since you just started an amazing series Avatar: last airbender which Dave Filoni was a key contributor to. Who would later work with George Lucas to do Clone Wars and other Star Wars projects. Well Clone Wars has many amazing episodes (arcs) it is long. If you want to experience some star wars animated look into Tales of the Jedi which is 6 short episodes.