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Chapter Two: The Mall Rats

Nancy and Jonathan follow a lead, Steve and Robin sign on to a secret mission, and Max and Eleven go shopping; a rattled Billy has troubling visions.

Link to the reaction;


Ps: * All of my VIDEOS are reduced in OPACITY for copyright reasons.

*Do not share this link ANYWHERE, or with ANYONE! . This is for copyright risks and because you guys are paying to access my reactions.



Melanie Vine

Hi Sophie, i don't suppose you have any thoughts on reacting to two episodes of Stranger Things a week do you please?


No sorry, It will be too much content a week for me. Also, Stranger things didn't win the poll Lucifer did I just decided to add stranger things too and do one episode each.

Damian Leone

Your reaction to the fate of the (poor) rat in the cage was priceless! Unfortunately, while you can cover your eyes, the squishy sound remains! That being said, you were adorable! Also, I am beginning to think you are a bit psychic. You correctly predicted the "boyfriends do" response to the "friends don't lie" comment! Where's the crystal ball? The relationships of Steve and Dustin, and El and Max were the real highlights of this episode. There's more fun to come. And I can't wait for you to see how things develop!