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Hey folks, here's whats coming up now that the goblin video is finished, probably in order but not 100%.

- A Stankyfidy video, animated version of this urinal pic from last year, will most likely be short and sweet and be out relatively soon.

- Fatty drinking contest, lots of chugging / belly gurgling stuff where the loser has to drink the bucket of coom they've been leaking into the whole time. Might expand the scope to add some more slobbish content at the end like the fatty Zeena video from last October since it's a bit light on the actual pron content, but I'm not sure yet.

- 3rd Zeena's Travels video, this one will involve growth and docking / urethra pen, some ol' Fidy classics. I'm not 100% sure this will be the next Zeena's Travels video I release, I have a couple other plots in mind as well, but I'm pretty sure it will be.

As always thanks for your support, and I hope at least one of these tickle your pickle :)



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