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Tl;dr - video is probably coming out next weekend (July 7th - 9th)

Hey peeps, just wanted to let you all know I'm shooting for next weekend for the video release. It looks like the total runtime is going to be right around 6 minutes on the nose, beating my last longest video ever by over a minute and a half. I appreciate you all sticking around during this long ass production time, but ultimately this video is about twice as long, if not more, than my typical video length, and it's taken me about twice as long to finish as my typical release cycle, so the math checks out. :p The way the video is structured is almost like two videos in one anyway.

As for video versions, I ended up deciding on making just two - one with all my typical fetish stuff (pubes, armpit hair and burping) and another with all of that plus farts. Apologies to those who wanted some other variation on these included fetishes, but I'm already going to have to spend multiple nights rendering as it is, and it just isn't feasible to make a bunch of different versions. So since farts are definitely the most divisive fetish out of the bunch, I decided to make that the only one relegated to a separate version.

As it is I have to render the video out in 3 parts due to SFM's memory constraints, two of these parts including farts, meaning I have to render both of those out twice. Thankfully the longest segment that I 100% have to render overnight is the only one with no farts, and the shortest segment I may be able to render during the day. (Rendering takes multiple hours if you didn't know)

Thanks for reading all that if you made it down here, and I hope you enjoy the video when it's finished, I think it's a good one. :)


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