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Tldr - Stanky Soraka commission, Zeena x pokemon, futa Tawna, Zeena x hrose

Hey folks, here's whats coming up next now that Zeena x fatty Soria is finished. Its basically exactly the same as what I posted about back in December as I've only worked on some of these a small amount since then, but I'll reiterate for people that missed that post. These pics aren't necessarily in order of what I'll be working on, but the Soraka one (blue chick) will definitely be next. 

So, first up is a Soraka stanky commission, will be similar to the Soria one I made late last summer. Next is Zeena with her Sableye (pokemon), this one will be on the shorter side, just the one position you see in the picture. I have this larger scale idea of making a bunch of like 30 second short videos of Zeena with various pokemon and combining them into one big video, but we'll see if I decide to continue with that idea after this first one. Third pic is from a futa Tawna x Coco Bandicoot video, I was hyped making this one when I was playing Crash 4 a few months back, but we'll see if I decide to complete it or not. I've made quite a lot of progress on it, so I'd say it's likely. Final pic is the very beginning of a Zeena x a certain equine friend video. Not much progress has been made on this one, the idea I have for it is a bit daunting as I want it to cover a lot of positions, we'll see what I decide to do with it after some of these smaller projects are finished.

So that's what I have been / will be working on, work in progress stuff will continue soon with the Soraka video, and I'm thinking of maybe throwing in some Sableye video WIPs in between for peeps that aren't down with the stank but we'll see. As always I really appreciate everyone's support, and thank you for being patient with me. I hope you enjoyed Zeena x Fatty Soria and that at least one of these upcoming projects looks interesting to you!




Looking for Fatty Soria and zeena are the best .... more burping would fun


zeena x horse ❤️❤️❤️