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Hey folks, sorry I've been especially MIA this past month, life and all that fun stuff. ALSO sorry that I keep bouncing around between projects before finishing things, trying to follow inspiration can be fickle, but here's another new one. :P Ideally I finish succ 2 before this one since its much closer to being done, but regardless I'm pretty happy with this vid so far, needed a break from succin with some fuckin. 

Anyway thank you all for sticking around despite my horrible inconsistency, my monkey brain can't seem to decide on a project and see it through recently, I hope that isn't too frustrating for you all. I've got a bit more of werewolfin' to show soon and some more bits of succ 2, plus that smeg bonus clip I mentioned a while back, so those will be comin'.




Nice work! Also, I can't wait for that smeg bonus clip!


👌 its been the first time i've attempted smegma, so hopefully it'll be enjoyable