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Tl;dr - Two videos, one for Halloween and one pooby one. Hween probably first

Hope y'all enjoyed back alley succ, not gonna lie I got super burnt out on it towards the end and had to slowly crawl to the finish line, but I think it turned out pretty solid.

So after releasing two big boi videos I'm gonna try and do a couple shorter ones so its not so dang long between videos again, and I've got 2 projects in the pipeline right now. First is a Halloween video, it's a Zeena's Travels video I was working on anyway and realized the spooky / horrorish vibes it has would be perfect for the Halloween season so I moved it up the queue to hopefully make it it time for the holiday. This will probably be the next set of WIPs.

Second video is another pooby one, some dirty bootyhole fuggin with lots of farts and lots of logs, sort of a 'what if' continuation of the back alley succ video, if those other brigand dudes at the end had taken her away to their hideout.

For the written smut enjoyers out there I'll be finishing the write-up of back alley succ soon, and will be incorporating these two future videos in there at some point as well.

Also I do still have that drinking contest video on the backburner, I've been keeping it as sort of a rainy day project if I don't have any ideas, but that's been far from the case since the Zeena's Travels stuff started. It'll (probably) see the light of day at some point since a good amount of it is already finished, perhaps it'll be what I work on after these two other videos.

So ye that's what's coming up, hope something in there sounds interesting to you! Thanks for reading if you made it this far, and thank you all for sticking with me! I appreciate the support and the content shall continue to flow, hopefully a little faster for a while before I inevitably find myself waist deep in another long ass project. :p



Your work is wonderful. Thank you for all the time and energy and effort you put into it.