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Kind of cool to be up to chapter 20
20 is a cool number :D


David Fenger

Poor Tess. Even her snakes are trembling in that last panel, so sad. (And so cute!) Yes, this is what you get for being smug. Still, there'll be a new rumour circulating in a day or two and this will die down... but maybe she'll end up making more small talk even so? That'd be a nice development.

Jonas Richter

Sooo it seems several people at the office hardly ever interacted socially/personally with Tess, beyond business matters? (panel 5, "no one else really talks to me") That's kinda sad, whatever the reason - prejudice amongst colleagues, or Tess being visibly averse to such interactions? She said herself she's well established as the office introvert (update 19.4), but noticably followed up with "no ones going to bother the gorgon with questions", so there is the assumption her species plays a part in this. Anyway, classic turn from smug and happy to stressed out. :) It's fun to see her expectations busted.