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For Season 3 chapter 60, track 1 :)

(The final two chapters are amazing, absolutely everything I'd want from a M&DQ finale. It's funny, it's romantic, it's earnest, it's uplifting. Super fantastic ending! Definitely worth fast passing XD)

(Ignore the 3 minutes of silence at the end of the track, that's just to make sure it doesn't loop if anyone reads really slowly.)

(I am mostly recovered from flu, finally, blergh. I can't believe how long that took. I have this sinking suspicion that covid messed with my immune system, which apparently is a thing that happens? Guess I'll have to try really, really hard not to get sick.)



John Lawes

Okay, so...I totally had no idea this was even a thing until now. Now, I do, and...OMFG, it's SO CUTE! I love it; I'm already binge-reading to catch up. Thanks so much for the shout-out, and I'll be sure to add the music when I get there.


Isn't it so much fun? One of my favourite of favourites! The music should auto-play once you're up to the chapters with music, so just make sure your volume is on :)


Now that I'm home and see Patreon changed I wonder. How... How do I download this song of perfection?