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(This is the art underneath the dust jacket on the hard cover.)

I'm not sure I've talked here about why there are two covers?

When I was first discussing cover ideas with Little Bee Books I suggested this composition, to mirror book 1 (and because it works really well with Sunati going to space and Austen having a dramatic haircut.)

This idea was originally approved - and then someone in sales I think veto-ed it, for reasons I don't fully understand (they thought it was a bad idea for the covers to be too similar to each other??)

I was asked if I had any other cover ideas.

I sulked a bit at the thought of not having mirrored covers. Then I drew the most self-indulgent romantic thing I could think of, and sent that in as my second cover idea.

They approved that cover, and I drew it - and looking at both cover options, I am much happier with the almost-kiss cover than I am with the above. It doesn't have that satisfying "oooh it matches" feeling, but it turned out really well, I think!

And then I was told that they could put this art underneath the dust jacket for the hardcovers, and I was very happy to get both of them :D




I totally did not fill out the preorder form (rough couple of weeks and I don’t think I even knew where it was 😭) knew I was going to be cutting it close (as I kept forgetting) but completely spaced out and messed up everything in the process


Also sending you sympathy and love for your rough couple of weeks, hope things improve for you!


I didn't notice there was anything under the jacket until I saw this XD Also I love the book its gorgeous <3