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Sorry, all I have to offer for July is a super quick sketch. Life!!

On that note I'm hoping to have 18.2 up tomorrow? The main delay is colouring - I've got an ipad I can take to my parents' house to draw on, and I can sketch/ink on it fine, but I can't letter on it (the fonts won't cooperate on the ipad for mysterious reasons?) and I can't colour on it (because I like working on really large canvases with a squillion layers and the poor ipad can't handle that.)

If this becomes a long-term situation I might need to look into adjusting my colouring process, but I don't think it will be that long term. Things are starting to settle into a new routine, and I expect that in a few weeks my schedule will be sensible again.

Anyway, I expect to have enough time at home tomorrow to finish the colouring 18.2. If not, the day after, for sure!
