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Jonas Richter

I would love to go to space. But leaving my friends and family... I'd do it if it was for a "short" time, say six months or a year. Three years or more? I'd probably stay down to earth. :)

Zen (Marty)

At this point in my life, I might move to an orbital habitat if it were available. Especially if it had a 2/3g environment or something like that. (Arthritis sucks.) Too bad I would have to deal with too many g's to get into orbit!


I would only move if I could take people with me (which is never going to happen because too many of the people in my life need to live in close proximity to hospitals.)


I am just desperately hoping that space tourism will become a viable option for middle-class people while I am still alive. It probably won't happen, but a girl can dream.