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Pikk just sent me this! (Thank you again!!!)

Apparently it is up for preorder!

(I'm not going to post about this publicly until Little Bee confirms this to me - I'm not sure if they even know yet, haha)

This is my first time seeing the blurb which, uh, sounds a bit more high stakes than the story actually is? I suppose that's a sensible marketing department decision, like how webtoon ads always sound so different to the actual story?

You will also notice that book 2 has its own title. Little Bee said since it's been so long since book 1, and book stores etc. aren't really expecting another book at this point, it's very important to give each book their own title or the books can get mixed up in the computer system.

They asked me if I had a title in mind for book 2 and I did not ^^;

They wanted something that evoked both sci-fi and romance feelings, and suggested:

  • Always Human: Our Remaining Hours
  • Always Human: Searching for Life
  • Always Human: A Solar System Apart
  • Always Human: Love Across the Stars  (or) Love Across the Universe
  • Always Human: Dreaming of You
  • Always Human: Love and Space. (I like the idea of playing with the word SPACE—as in, where we are traveling and the distance between things)
  • Always Human: Love and Saturn

I responded with some more suggestions:

  • Always Human: Intersecting Orbits
  • Always Human: Beyond the Horizon
  • Always Human: New Trajectories
  • Always Human: Towards the Sky
  • Always Human: A Heart Full of Stars
  • Always Human: Paths Through Space
  • Always Human: The Space we Share
  • Always Human: Perihelion
  • I feel like there's something that could be done with gravity being defined as a measure of mutual attraction between two objects, but nothing short and catchy comes to mind.
  • Maybe there's also something that can be done with Saturn's rings, but I can't think of it?

They responded that the publishing and sales team were all united behind "Love and Gravity" so that was it, title chosen!

It's certainly both sci-fi and romance, and I think it's kind of goofy, which is great because the chapter where they make puns at each other is still one of my favourite things ever, and that's pretty goofy too :D

(I think Little Bee sees this as a serious dramatic title, but I'm just sitting here going "hee hee, Love and Gravity, gravity is a measure of attraction, that's so funny, Sunati and Austen would love it")



Very excited!

Krankar Volund

So, I just discovered that there is a book of Always Human, is the book 2 a sequel to the webtoon, or the second part of the story already on webtoon? ^^'