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Firstly, if you have a request for the June stream, please leave it here:

I think this post might have gone unnoticed since I uploaded two posts on the same day, so I just want to make sure that everyone who has a request for the poll has the chance to get it in before I put up the poll at this time tomorrow :)

Secondly, this will probably be the last request stream for a while. Comic/art/publisher things seem to be (finally!) happening. On several fronts, even! So I expect to be very busy from July onwards. For now I will keep doing warmup requests, but the request streams are going on hold after June.

(Unless things don't end up happening as quickly as I expect in which case I'll continue doing the streams up until I get busy. And if I end up getting too busy I might put the warmup requests on hold as well. We'll see how things go!)



Good news, new projects, can't wait ♥️ By the way, do you intend to release for Patreon the bonus chapters of Always Human that you did for the Book 1 pre-order one day? As I missed the pre-order, I was wondering if I would have the chance to read them ^^


They're currently uploading to this folder here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Na5S259c-3xxd7iwfj3Uz65w3CnqU9dK?usp=sharing (hopefully by the time you read this they'll have uploaded!) Obviously, please don't share these around. My plan is to eventually make them public as promo for book 2 :)

Voyage Goya

Hooray for the projects finally happening! Hope this'll go as smoothly as possible for you, and that you'll be busy, but good-busy :) Take care!


Thank you very much! One project is definitely happening the other project I have been told to expect to start happening in July. Definitely hoping for smooth progress and good busyness, thank you :D