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Got through, uh, two an a half requests ^^; I'll finish the last one as a warmup :)

(I think the timelapse is still processing on youtube but it should be working in a minute or two.)

Sorry I didn't get this uploaded earlier, had a very busy yesterday.

Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina

Dapper Demon Lady (Zim asked me to draw her with permission from the OC creator, I don't actually know who designed her, or even what her name is!)


(belated) November stream timelapse



Oh right, I never did mention that. She's usually referred to as Red as a character but generally is the online persona of a friend of mine who can get a bit shy. So I didn't add any info without thinking, but I asked and she was okay with me saying this much. I do love how it looks though! You have a great style and she looks really charming like this.


Thank you very much :) I love this sort of cool, badass design (I'm not quite sure my art style does 'cool' or 'badass' very well, but I certainly enjoyed drawing her XD) I hope your friend likes how she turned out!

Voyage Goya

I was unable to be more than passing through for that November stream, but it was great to see the first picture taking form. And I *love* the second one, that demon lady is SO classy *-*