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Hello UK friends!

While I am currently in the UK, I will be leaving in May to return to Australia (and flee from Brexit.)

I will be in London on the 4th and the 5th of May. (I'll also probably be in London a few days before this as well, but I figure the weekend's best for organizing a meetup.)

If you're interested in a meetup in London during this time period, please reply below with your availability and we'll hopefully be able to organise a time that suits everyone :)


Patrick Jackson

I'm booked into something on the 4th, but if you end up doing something on the 5th I will be there :-)


It's a ~6 hour journey for me, so I need a place to stay, asking a friend in london whether it would be convenient. Signs point to yes but they need to check with someone. If yes, then likely either day would work for me.


That is a very long trip! I'll probably schedule something on the 5th, for Pat, unless more folks chime in over the next few days with very strong opinions.