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Something very exciting will probably be happening soon, but I can't talk about what it is yet until it's 100% finalized. I can say that it will require a fair amount of drawing/computer time.

Since I've only got a limited number of drawing hours in me (the spirit is willing but the hand/wrist is weak) I'm temporarily pausing the wallpapers and request streams, to make sure I have the time to do the drawing required for both Aerial Magic and this very! exciting! thing! that I can't talk about.


I'll do this month's sketch request stream, but after that, and until further notice, both wallpapers and request streams are on hold.
(I do hope to get back to them when I can, I really enjoy drawing non comic things, it's refreshing and let's me experiment in way I can't with comic art.)

If the very exciting thing does not end up happening, then wallpapers and the request stream will resume much sooner. I will keep you all updated!

Sorry for the vagueness and the sudden change in plans. If you want to change your pledge or stop pledging because of this I understand completely.

Thank you very, very much for the support <333



Did you find a wizard to teleport all your wonderful creations to this universe?! Just a wild guess.


I'm scrolling through older patreon posts, I bet this was referencing the book? Wow, this post was like 9 months ago!


haha, that's right! I did not expect it to take this long to be publicly announced. I am learning that traditional publishing moves very slowly.