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The script's a bit of a mess this week (I say, as if it's not a mess every week~)

But you can see me ramble through different ways to get both Wisteria's uncertainty and Amal's announcement into the episode, and how they get linked together in Cecily's mind.

Older ideas are towards the end of the file. I tend to start writing - then when I change my mind and want to try something different I'll start a new paragraph on top of everything else.




Oh so that's how the memory thing works with making a Broom fly again. Sweet. Now I can see where Wis is coming from on this but out of the two a flying carpet seems to be safer at least when it comes to crashing. Also Cecily's reaction to Wis's mad mode was just adorable and I love it so much! Thank you for that! *yetihug* Also Damn. Amal just pulling the carpet out from Cecily, I hope everything is ready alright and that Cecily will be okay. Great chapter Ari my goddess queen! Now I need more.


Thank you so much! I'm hoping to demonstrate quite a bit of magic during Cecily's season, since she'll both be teaching Wisteria and doing stuff for work. Also "pulling the carpet out" is such a wonderfully appropriate phrase in these circumstances, haha!


I can't be the only one who wants to hear the story about Apothecary Baxter and whatever it has to do with textile magic. This sounds like a primo Noodle Incident.


Haha, based on the comment section you're definitely not. I suspect I'll probably end up answering this in semi-illustrated form in the next Q&A episode, but if you want the full story now, I can tell you? I think it probably gvies a bit of insight into Wisteria, and her current thoughts on dating, that will become evident throughout Season 2, so it's perhaps a tiny smidge of spoiler? But only a tiny smidge. (What's a primo noodle incident?)