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*stares intently at the sky and prays for snow*

Happy Holidays all, I hope you're getting to relax and spend time with family or friends :)

I don't think I say thank you enough, but please know that I'm really really grateful for all the support. I often feel like I'm passionate about very weird, very personal, very non-commercial stories and it's so so amazing to know that you're all here, supporting the stories I want to tell. It's amazing to have this opportunity! And it's very helpful too, for various practical bills-related reasons ;)

Thank you so very much <3




Happy holidays and happy New Year to you Ari You beautiful magnificent brilliance goddess Queen of Awesome this period and thank you so much for these beautiful breathtaking masterpieces and these heart warming inspiring stories that you create. You are truly the best of the best and greatest of the greatest thank you so much for everything that you do and for being so amazing. *yetihug*


Me and my family played pictionary today (not fun). Also Happy Christmas/ Hanukkah or that Krampus thing. Idk. anyway it took me twenty mins to type this all up b/c I dont... yeah... okay.. Well ima sleep now :)


Awww, thank you! You're always far too kind to me, and you deserve to have a fantastic holiday and new year! I wish you all the best <333


I'm sorry pictionary was painful - presumably someone in your family enjoyed it, and it was good of you to put up with it :) I hope the rest of the holiday period is more fun for you!