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I realized after painting this background that when I'd previously drawn the sky at this exact date and time, in another scene, there hadn't been any orange clouds.

So I had to get rid of the orange clouds. Alas, orange clouds are pretty.

(Though making the orange clouds purple probably works much, much better with the overall colour scheme of this particular scene, so it's probably for the best.)

Outfit sketches. Winter means fluffy clothes :D



That background is gorgeous and I wish we had those kind of skyies thay are so lovely Plus The sketches for the the winter clothes look amazing and beautiful! so cute and lovely at the same time. Bravo my goddess queen of awesomeness friend! *yetihug*

Mild Lee Interested

Every now and then I stop rushing about being busy with my "adulting" and look at a dawn or sunset. We really do have skies like this - even in the most mundane city on earth.


A version of that sky would probably make a killer mobile wallpaper.


We have some amazing skies, don't we? (And in the Norther Hemisphere with days so short right now now it's good timing to catch some really good sunsets.) Thanks kaiyeti <3


Want me to crop off the black at the top? I'm not sure what ratio people need for mobile wallpapers, but when I'm colouring pretty background panels I do make a point of hiding the speech bubbles so the backgrounds don't have weird patches without colour, and can be viewed on their own :)


<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0vmt7y63usanc5/edited%20panel.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0vmt7y63usanc5/edited%20panel.jpg?dl=0</a> here it is with the top cropped off. Not sure exactly what ratio is needed but phones are usually pretty good about resizing, I think?


It does make a great wallpaper. I think it actually would need a bit more of a bar on the bottom, at least on my phone. <a href="https://imgur.com/a/CqLx3ze" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/CqLx3ze</a>