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I wasn't sure if elevapor sounded quirky and whimsical, or weird and modern and anachronistic. I was especially worried that people would immediately think of vaping, which could knock readers out of the story ^^;

I think I will go with airlift, which isn't nearly as quirky, but also isn't anachronistic.

Thank you very much :D



I think one issue with using "elevapor" is that it's implicitly derived from "elevator", since "elevapor" basically says "it's like an elevator, but it uses air". In turn, this implies that the elevator was invented before the elevapor in this world, which may or may not match what you've imagined. Airlift was actually the alternative term I was thinking about for an air-based elevator. Just be careful that your wording clearly implies that it is a device or object and not the act of transporting goods via aircraft. You could also hyphenate it ("air-lift") to disambiguate it more.


I was mostly thinking about combining the latin words for rise and air - which hilariously ends up sounding a lot like elevator - but you are right that it might imply the existence of an elevator. Which isn't anachronistic to the victorian-ish setting, but probably doesn't exist anyway XD Thanks!