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Oh shit I didn't realize that about Killian. I assumed that he could walk but just had trouble since her could move his legs. Damn that suck for him. Still I am glad that him and Wisteria worked things out and that they can start working together. I'm surprised Puppy didn't speak up until after. Anyway beautiful and amazing chapter! You have truly created another masterpiece of perfection! Thank you so much Ari you brilliant amazing goddess queen of awesomeness! *yetihug*


I think I saw one or two people guess that he can't walk? But it wasn't foreshadowed in any way beyond "why is this weirdo always floating". Puppy tries to respect Wisteria's privacy by keeping out of conversations she has with other people. They're essentially stuck with each other, so they both make a point of giving the other space, most of the time XD