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At full size, because I spent way too long on them, and so want people to see the full size versions :P

There were a bunch of cameos this episode, but they were very tiny cameos, so I decided to hold off on introducing your cameos until a future chapter where I draw them slightly bigger :)

@Marco: that's Sable on the left. Sorry I didn't include the storefront after pestering you about a shop name! I'd already drawn the backgrounds out when I asked you, and I decided that 'Teas of the Medina' is a cool name that didn't suit any of the storefronts I'd already drawn :)

I really like the colours in this one, but the perspective is a disaster, whoops! I think I made the mistake of zooming too far in when drawing (in an attempt to not stress my wrist/hand with tiny details) and then when I zoomed back out, the damage was already done.

@Andrew - your cameo in the bottom left!

@Eona: Cameo bottom right!

@Sven: Cameo bottom left! I couldn't come up with a cool bookstore name, so there's still time for you to come up with one for later XD



This chapter. This whole entire Chapter is just so breathtaking and beautiful. Even panel is so detail and gorgeous. I was speechless for a couple minutes with how a chapter with such beautiful and amazing art work that each panel was a true masterpiece of perfection. The music and your art style are truly a match of the heaves Ari you brilliant beautiful extraordinary goddess. This was true perfection. Thank you. *yetihug* Also Let Wisteria have her cake!


AHHHH thank you so very much, I'm really proud of this chapter and I'm so happy you like it too <3

Sven Hegenbart

Every single panel could be a wallpaper so good are they looking ^^. Really liked this chapter a lot!