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Hey - thank you all very much for the compassion and empathy and kindness. I appreciate it so much.

I'm not back on the internet just yet, but I thought I'd best reschedule the sketch request stream.

So, it will be Saturday the 30th, 5-6am GMT time, and 5-6pm GMT time.

I'll reply individually to folks later, thank you all so much, you're the best <333



It is our pleasure and honor my goddess queen. We just wish there was more we could do to help you through this. *Comforting supportive yetihug* You are the best and greatest of all time Ari and we will always be here for you. *yetihug*

Sven Hegenbart

Condolences for you loss :/ Sorry for the late response but was very busy in the moment. Hope everything is better now FOr the request Im wishing for Hisone from Hisone and Masotan this season


Thanks so much, you're always so wonderful and supportive, I really appreciate it <3


Thanks Sven! We'll miss her, but we'll treasure the memories we have, and we're all doing much better :)