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A few notes about this

1) This was meant to be that time of day just around sunset when lights start turning on and everything's so pretty and pastelly. I probably increased the contrast a bit too much for that, but oh well.

2) I'd planned to have Wisteria flying past on a broom, but you're not meant to fly on a broomstick after sunset in a big city, and I think it's dark enough in the picture that the sun's probably set. So no Wisteria :)

3) This was fun :D I think one of the biggest limitation of the webtoons format is that it doesn't lend itself to landscapes (unless you rotate the image, which I did do in today's update out of necessity, but I may not do ever again, because I personally find it really distracting.)

Because I streamed this, I should be able to put together a timelapse video! I'll do that some time today :)



Patrick Jackson

It's beautiful and I thank you for making it. This sort of thing really helps us understand the world.

Patrick Jackson

The new page was great too. I enjoyed you employing the kid as basically your narrator for this section, explaining to the reader without it seeming intrurive. You captured youthful naivety beautifully!


This is so beautiful! I love the colors and the setting! It's like a dream! Thank you so much for this gorgeous masterpiece Ari you amazing brilliant awesome goddess! *yetihug* You are the best!