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Short hair it is (probably) since I have multiple other characters with hair long enough to style in interesting ways.

These aren't much to look at but they should work well enough as drawing references. To be honest I didn't enjoy this at all (I'm not sure if it's 3D stuff I dislike, or interiors I dislike, or sketchup I dislike) but it's done!!! And it will, I hope, be useful :)

I've attached the sketchup files for anyone who's interested. I had to work across multiple different files because my computer couldn't handle 3 levels of furnished interiors in one file? I suspect I may not be using sketchup optimally because my computer does fine when viewing furnished multi-story houses from the 3D warehouse.



These are all so amazing and beautiful! You have done a truly magnificent and gorgeous job on these!Thank you so much for all your hard work you brilliant beautiful goddess ARI! *yetihug*


First may I say, I am absolutely blown away by what you've managed to do with sketch up!! Secondly. I messaged you on tumblr. ^^


My pleasure! And THANK YOU! You are truly amazing beautiful awesome goddess! *yetihug*