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Two things:

1) I'll be closing the $10 tier in approximately 36 hours (clarification: if you're on the tier now, you're fine! but it will be closed for new pledges). So if you've been thinking about pledging for the first set of prints, please know that there isn't much time left.

(That said, there will be spares and I'll probably eventually look into selling them online, but that won't be for a while yet.)

2) Prints will be sent out early November, after three months of pledging :)
(I know I was hoping to send them out earlier but because of the issues I had with switching to charge up front that wasn't able to happen. Sorry!)



Sorry to ask a silly question, but what do you mean 'closing'? Is it going away and we're going to have to change to a different tier or do u just mean no one else can 'join'/pledge that tier at the end of the month?


Oh, sorry for the confusion! No, it's not going away, I just mean that no one new can join that tier (in about 24 hours I'll set the maximum number of people on the tier to the number of people on the tier). Since I've never sent out physical rewards before, I don't want to confuse myself by having people expecting prints at different times, and so for the next three months I'm going to keep the $10 tier closed to new patrons :)


Okay, that does make sense, I just wanted to double check. Great! and the extra wait is totally fine with me. Excited to be getting them!


Don't worry my friend! It will work out! *yetihug you so much*


Thank yooouuuuu *hugs back* (I am so confused by Patreon right now. So very confused ^^;)


My pleasure! *yetihug* Don't worry my friend you will figure it out!