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Zen (Marty)

Once again, the finished product is superior! I don't know why, but there's something I really like about the way you worded Line 13 in the comic as opposed to t he script. "I treated Austen like a child, not a partner" has a certain ... elegance to it that the more detailed stuff about protecting Austen didn't have. It gets across the same basic meaning, treating someone like a child is frequently trying to protect them, but it is simpler and it also has broader implications beyond protectiveness. It is really well worded! (In other words, I know you feel like you're struggling with your writing right now, but you're doing well! Really! It is great! Heartwarming, heartbreaking, and wonderful! And that music!!!)


Thank you both so much, this means a lot :) Maybe writing block works like art block, and if I'm struggling it means my sense of taste has improved faster than my technical skills. Maybe? It's an uplifting thought.