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Hey guys,

Out there on Patreon and other places, I'm seeing a lot of artists randomly drop off the map, stop producing, take hiatus (and your money) without doing anything. This is very frustrating to me. At present, I am working as hard as I ever have to produce awesome content for you guys to enjoy.

My pledge:

* I will not stop trying to get better. I will not stop investing in better hardware and software, people, and tools to make great stuff happen.

* I will not quit on you, unless it's completely out of my control. And even then, it won't be permanent (unless I'm dead. In which case my cat will take over.)

* I will not stop making nude art. A lot of artists get their audience, built with sexy imagery, then just stop doing it now that they have your money, or are suddenly "legit". This infuriates me. I know what you guys want, and what you're here for. You're going to get it.

* I'm going to continue trying as hard as I can to fill requests, and I will always continue to do so.

* If I reach a point in donations where it surpasses my day job income, I will stop my day job and do this full time.

- AD




You sir, are truly a one of a kind artist. It's awesome to see your artwork improve time and time again and your continued capacity to deliver some of the best artwork around. I, for one, will continue to support you through thick and thin, even if it is not as much as I wish I could!


I followed you since the first Airy-Pics on Deaviant and supported you since you offered the chance to. For me this had become a fixed, naturally thing. And after announcements like this or that one in which you declared how you use the donation you get from us all, i know the money couldnt be spent better - its not just the payment for some pics you give us over the month, its to show respect for all the work and love you put in that work and if we can help indirectly to support other people who work with you or have your attention because of there work - its a great deal better. Thanks for your passion in what you do and thanks for sharing it. ...just my cents. ;)