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Hey everyone,

I thought I would take a moment to share with you where your patron monies go. I always re-invest in the business, mostly in the form of helping other artists who need support. I've employed many young people who are trying to build skills, and here's a breakdown of that for your interests. I think it's really cool that 3DX has become a small team of people, and I hope that we can continue to grow through your contributions and bring you more of what you love, ultimately.

These are rough estimates:

10% - Goes to other artists on Patreon that I feel need support. I see far too many artists on here raking in thousands of dollars, only to support like one other person. That's absurd to me.

30% - Goes to our Lunch Tiiime! comic book artist. He is a tremendously good person from Thailand and has become a personal friend of mine. He is very talented and produces one comic book page a week for us (or so.) We are hoping that when we finish the comic, he will be able to fly to the US to go to conventions.

40% - Goes to our animator. Another extraordinary talent from "the internet", he is the one and only person that I have met that has the talents with Blender to be able to work with my very high resolution models. He's done some very good work, but the rigging process and getting models ready for animation takes lots of hours.

20% - Goes to our Social Media manager, who is just getting started but will soon be everywhere once she gets the confidence. She is a college student and really appreciates the chance to have a chance to work with software and engage people as she works on her Business Analytics degree.

These percentages waver somewhat based on what we make, and what their output is. Whatever is left over I save for a rainy day.

So when you support me, you support a team of young, talented people that are working hard to build skills and do something with their talents - just like I am. We all appreciate it. Thank you for pledging to 3DXcentric.

- AD




I had no idea that this was how the contributions are distributed! I've noticed you support a lot of other artists, which I often use as a reference to see what other works are going around on Patreon. You sir, are a fine man indeed. Keep it up!


Yeah! I thought it would be worth it to tell you guys. I'm really excited to be able to help other people get a start with their creative lives. It's really exciting (and the results will be amazing!)