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I promised monster girl comics when I reached the $20 goal, and I still haven't produced any. I apologise for this. I could come up with excuses, but in all honesty, I don't think comics are something I'm really interested in making any more. I've been enjoying the curiouscat asks as prompts to draw fun OC stuff, but long multi-page comics? I don't think I have the energy.

I love to tell stories, but I generally lose interest with longer projects quickly. It's the same reason I haven't been animating as much recently.

ANYWAY I'm saying all this because I don't think you guys are getting a good deal. The image packs are fine, but it's a little lazy, and I don't produce nearly enough patreon-exclusive alternate images.

An idea recently suggested to me was fanart polls. I'd pick a few themed characters every week and you guys would vote on it. I think this could be fun! The full image would be patreon exclusive . As much as I want to avoid paywall content, I want you guys to feel like you're getting your money's worth. This patreon's growth has halted over the past few months, so I need to try and spark some new interest.

Feel free to post suggestions on what content you guys would like to see.


Tyree Gamble

How about Lucia from Satina wants water on YouTube? If that unacceptable, how about Nicole Watterson?


I meant more like - suggestions for content in general as opposed to specific fanart suggestions heh.


Ok, try the character polls, or outfit polls on characters you like. Those would do fine by me


Outfits, positions, themes, situations, characters, any of those can besomething higher up patreons can make suggestions on individually, then have everyone else vote on. It's a solid system and bunch of artists use them


Mother's day is approaching, I may include nicole as one of the options for a fanart poll :)