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Hi everyone. Thank you for participating in my first ever Patreon Character Poll. I'm very happy with how everything went down.

I definitely plan to make this a monthly thing from now on. I hope you're all as excited as I am for this. 

There was a few hiccups during the process that I can now learn and improve from. For instance, I didn't initially make entering your name mandatory until after people had already voted, which led to me having to discard a few votes and encourage people to refill the form. But unfortunately, it was mostly people who put down their names the first time who refilled the form. So I ended up with a lot of double votes to discard lol. Luckily, you informed  me about the issue and I fixed it so the majority of votes were counted.

Another issue was that the names people put down on the form wasn't always the name that was listed in my Relationship Manager. I guess Patreon allows people to have multiple names, like an account name and a separate formal username. This was usually the case for people who ran their own Patreon page. For example, someone in my member list could be listed as Jack J, but when I click on their profile, their name is SuperStarFlop. So, the name they'd put down in the form would be SuperStarFlop . The only way I was able to find out who was who was to individually click on all the names in my member page. This was a bit inconvenient, so in future, I'll instead ask for the e-mails associated with your Patreon account. It'll make knowing who is who way easier for me.

I also realized that I never specified that I would draw the illustration as a color sketch. I hope no one was disappointed by that. Color sketches are the most efficient style for me to use that is still of high visual quality and is not too time consuming to work on. I can only guarantee this be a monthly thing if I use this style.

I also don't plan to make double poses and cum alts a standard thing but I will try if the drawing warrants it.

Thanks again to all of you for your continued support. I can't express how much you have all improved my life. If you have any feedback on how I run future polls, please fill free to comment.

Have a wonderful day.


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