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Hello everyone, and thank you all for participating in the poll. Almost half of you decided to participate in this experimental democratic process and I'm very happy with the results!

Now to announce the winner!

Anubis has won with the majority of the vote.

It was a surprisingly close race. This is the graph with tiered voting taken into account. Here's the raw data from the poll.


It was almost a tie! Personally, I didn't expect Anubis to do as well as he did. I thought Wolf or Beerus were gonna win in a landslide. I should never underestimate furries' love for Anubis. I'm also happy Kid got as far as he did. I may include Kid and Wolf in a future poll since they got a lot of votes.

Here are the scenario results.


I didn't apply tiered voting to this section as it didn't seem necessary. I feel like I can apply multiple of these scenario elements into a single piece. I'll do a round two of votes with different pose options.

I definitely would like to try something like this again. Maybe it can become a staple of my Patreon?

I hope you're all happy with the results. I know some of you may not have gotten the character you wanted (I was rooting for Alien Homonid Q_Q) but hopefully you'll still enjoy the final result now. Feel free to give your thoughts about the poll in general. I'm willing to accept critiques on how well I've run it so far.

Stay tuned for the round two, the pose poll!


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