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(This is a reedited version of a journal I posted to FurAffinity a week ago)

January Patreon Refunds

It's with a heavy heart that I've decided to refund the majority of the remaining January Patreon Sketches. This was a very difficult decision to make. I feel bad making people wait so long for their drawings, especially since it'd take the rest of the year to finish everyone's pics. I know some of you are very patient and would be willing to wait as long as possible, but the weight of the PSs were just too much for me and caused me a lot of stress. I bit off way more than I can chew.

I understand it might seem pretty shitty of me to take new commissions on my main profile while refunding patreon sketches, but it was the only option I had left as I didn't have any money at the time of making this decision. I will contact you personally to refund you.

I will still work on the March Sketches, although, refunds for some of those are possible.

If this news upsets you to the point of unpledging, I don't blame you and I wouldn't judge you for doing so.

Ending Patreon Sketches

Now for some more bad news. I've decided that I should probably end the Patreon Sketches thing. This year and the last was very similar with me having to pause my Patreon for most of the year to work on these pics. I thank all my Sketch tier Patrons for giving me so much support over the years but the weight of working on these has taken it's toll on me. In a way, it was never a great idea to do numerous very cheap commissions on a monthly basis. At first, it seemed like a good way to get more money. But as the amount of Patrons rose, I just couldn't support the demand.

I also feel like I've neglected all of my other tiers as I worked on P.Ss. I rarely post SAI files and SpeedPaints for my $5 patrons and I just as rarely post PNGs for the $2 patrons. Juggling 3 distinct commission queues makes it difficult to even focus on that stuff. I think I'll focus more on those tiers going forward.

To my $10, $20, and $45, thank you so much for all your support. I would've been destitute without your generosity. I don't want you all to feel like you've hurt me in some way. I did this to myself. I ask that you either cancel or lower your pledge as soon as possible to prevent getting any more your money taken. I will be removing the Patreon Sketch tiers soon. I'm so sorry I couldn't draw all the wonderful stuff you guys commissioned. As stressed as I was, I genuinely wanted to draw your commissions.

Future of Patreon

As I was struggling with the decision to end my Patreon Sketches, I've been considering what to do in the future. I'll be focusing on the $2 & $5 tier stuff for the most part now. I might try doing some of the stuff that other artists do like timed exclusives and polls. If anyone has tips for how to properly run character polls, I'd be happy to hear it.

I want 2020 to be different. I feel like I've been running in circles for 2 years and I want things to shake up. I don't know what the future has in store for me, but I just hope it's better.


If there is ANY confusion, please send me a DM. I might use some of the added info in an additional post if it's important enough. Again, I'm so sorry.


Sejha, Liz and Bright

Ah... I am sad to hear that as I was looking forward to it. But I completely understand. Good luck with everything.


I think it’s a healthy decision too do this gerrkk. Too be blunt I couldn’t see someone feasibly being able too do this at the rates your charging. It’s just a very heavy workload and I couldn’t imagine how stressed you must have been with such a large order. Not gonna stop me from supporting you at all 😊 but the person behind the pen is the most important thing! I think this is a very smart choice Gerrkk ❤️. Still always excited too see what you’ll be doing, and always will be =3